converting to diesel


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31 Oct 2001
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Anything but a GMC V8. Theres plenty around with horror stories, both marine and road. You'd be better off looking at someone like Lancing Marine or even one of the mainstream manufacturers.


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25 Sep 2003
skegness , lincolnshire
hi i did that convertion in my cruisers international 224
the engines are very good
they say its a strait forward swop but its not
on mine the trottle cable was the wrong way around
and i had to have some stainless work done to get the manifolds to match up
but i was pleased when i had got the boat back in the water
if you look at my website under the cruisers international and click on photos there is a picture of the engine fitted so you would get a idea of size

all the best


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31 Oct 2001
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Ah see told you? I just knew that that little four pot wheezzer of an overstressed lump couldn't really satisfy. So back to a proper engine running properly refined fuel for proper power. It was only a matter of time!

Seriously tho. I have heard some real horror stories about a certain engine supplied by a certain company. Just go look at some of the land rover forums for the inside track. Also know of one chap who ended up almost 15K out of pocket and got rid of the boat in shere frustration.

For what a conversion like this is going to cost I'd seriously look at getting something like the new volvo D series. No messing proper engine and drive package. A lot of conversions just seem to be a lash up at worst or falling short of expectations at best.


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19 May 2004
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Biggest bodge i seen in my life. Had the luck of one in a Falcon 23. We were told it was a mercruiser on an alpha. So sent the lads of to service. Bad gear engagment was the problem. Lads got there drained gear lube....liquid silver. Looked at engine and there was this `orrible blue thing sat there looked like the local college had put it in. Engine was 170hp?? apparently and to torquey for the drive and shredded the gears. Being nice we walked away recommending it came out a Bravo drive and transom fitted and the whole engine installed PROPERLY!! Iwould look at buying a package or a Lancing conversion to. Depends on your cash flow really. If its huge let me know sure i can help he he!!


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25 Jun 2001
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Why are you considering it now? Has the engine in your existing boat blown? News is still awaited on the situation with regard to red diesel. If, as is feared, it does go up then any savings you think you'll make on fuel will be negated and you'll never get anywhere near recouping the cost. Even though diesel will give you more miles to the gallon. If your engine is past it's sell by date then OK, maybe; but if not and, depending on how many hours you run in a year, I'd suggest you wait and see what the diesl outcome is. You might be better off just putiing in a new petrol lump.

As to your sugested engine - don't! As has been mentioned, there are loads of horror stories on these engines. In fact I'm following a diesel rebuild for an article in one of the leading boaty mags and the first question asked of me was - "It's not a ****** is it?" No, I said, that OK then I was told. And any good engineer will tell you the same. Rather go look at Lancing Marine or consider one of the following - Yamaha, Yanmar, Volvo or Mercrusier.

I re-engined my boat from petrol to diesel 18 months ago with a Yamaha which I picked up second hand - bit like hens teeth, but good second hand diesels are around - and I love it, but it cost a fraction of the cost of a new installation

I've done nearly 300 hours in that time and it's never missed a beat.

In conclusion, think long and hard about your choice.


11 Dec 2003
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The is engine itself is fine. However do not believe any blurb that says conversion is a straight forward drop in job. IT IS NOT!.

Horror stories are as a result ........

A. Bodged coversions using mecano and dexion. Some professional, but most amateur.


B. Reject or scrap engines brought in from the US.

There is only one (and I have no connection with this company)
complete proper package with marine original equipment quality risers, manifolds, etc. and that is the MARINEDIESEL one. (

Theirs is a complete integrated package with things like properly molded hoses. It looks every bit as thought out as a Volvo or Mercruiser installation, as against a scrapyard lash up.

I cannot comment on the one from Lancing, but I can from another outfit advertising in the yachting press.

In the light of probable fuel duty changes, on purely economic grounds only, the cost of conversion (if doing it properly) costs do not stack up.


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2 Mar 2003
West Midlands
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I got quite a bit of good advice esp. from tico when I was looking to convert click here
It does not make any financial sense but then we are boat owners....... We went for KAD32's but Lancing Marine Pumas looked very good


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16 Mar 2004
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Just to support the dire warnings above re a certain supplier, I have no direct experience but when looking at somthing similar a couple of years ago I did a search and there was a helluva lot of negative customer feedback


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30 Nov 2002
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A guy I know put two of these in a Sunseeker and its never performed as advertised, he is now pulling them out and fitting something else. Apparently the crankshaft is its Achilles Heel. Just a point to consider, a few years ago one of the mags did an evaluation on fitting a diesel v petrol, and on balance including running costs, depreciation and resale value it worked out more economical to buy a petrol engine if you did less than 100 hrs per year, over that and diesel made more sense. And interestingly one of our Norwegian mags independantly did the same exercise and came up with the same conclusion. Obviously the current saga of diesel prices in the future now come into the equation.


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21 Dec 2001
MDL Torquay
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Thought of doing the same 3 years ago, found same response from the forum.
Went to S******* factory/garage/scrapyard to look over the outfit, if first impressions count then this was to be the one to "Run a mile" from.

Broken parts of V8 diesels everywhere, the ones that did look ok hadn't been stripped down yet.
They were in the process of converting a land rover, by the way they don't do boats anymore ( I wonder why).

An example of there work sat in the yard, looked ok but owner not impressed.

Ended up installing new petrol for a lot less hassle, LPG was my next hope of cheaper fuel.


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30 May 2001
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As previously mentioned, Thoroughly recommend Mike at Lancing Marine.
Dunno about whether he can offer something around the 260hp mark at reasonably light weight.

If you PM me I can bore you to death with the details of dieselisation, altho as mentioned, its not a one out, one in job!!