Compass Water Sports cock up and land line? Boycott 0870 !!


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25 Jun 2001
South London
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Does anyone have a geographical number for Compass Watersports ?? They have cocked up my order twice, and it takes ages to get a telephone reply. While I am holding on an expensive 0870 number onwhich they are getting a commission !! We should all join the movement to boycott these numbers especially when so many of us now have inclusive phone deals which give us free calls..Look at this site


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15 Apr 2004
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I never use 0870 nos if I can avoid them - a second class stamp is cheaper and email is even cheaper. That is only if I cannot get an alternative number from the "alternative number site". Another thing about using standard numbers is I seem to get through much faster going through the company switchboard - seem to avoid the queue hanging on the 0870 nos.

I complained to three insurance companies about their use of "Indian call centres" and in all three cases I was given a free phone number to speak to a UK help desk. Seems many people do not like dealing with foreign call centres. One company intimated they were seriously considering bringing their call centre back to the UK because of so many complaints and lost business.

I recently had call to deal with an Indian call centre regarding an insurance matter (before I was given the UK call centre number). I was very disturbed to be approached by a competitor a couple of days later offering me in identical, and I mean 100% identical, customised package for 0.5% less than my existing company quoted me. Guess what the competitor was calling from an Indian call centre. I now ask how secure are my details when they are accessible in India - seems anyone can have access to confidential information concerning my transactions.

Don't just boycott 0870, boycott foreign call centres as well. The French citizenry are good at boycotting things they don't like why can't we follow their nationalistic ideas and bring employment back to the UK.
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25 Jun 2001
South London
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I wouldn't universally boycott overseas call centres. The.. I'm pretty certain...Indian call centre operative who dealt with my fault on my BT line was extremely helpful, and even managed to ring up and say he had been able to sanction some more compensation when I told him that the initial amount was paltry.
I only recently discovered that companies that offer Local..0845 and National ..0870 lines get a percentage of the calls to these numbers. And in most cases it won't be part of your fee mobile call time, bit is billed as a premium call.

The site again is: . Lets try and add to the numbers whenever we track a new one down.


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29 Aug 2003
Colchester, Essex
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0870 gives the number owner the ability to redirect very quickly if there is an issue. Not possible with landlines without BT intervention. Not that I support their use, just pointing out why some call centres use them...