[color:blue]"Room with a view" - enclosing cockpit [/color]

4 Feb 2003
[color:blue]\"Room with a view\" - enclosing cockpit [/color]

<font color="blue"> I am preparing my boat for Blue Water and plan to enclose the cockpit area so that it can be used as living area when the weather is not perfect.

I would welcome and advice/suggestions as to the design of this awning with sides etc which would zip to the sprayhood and fasten around the cockpit.

Is it possible to design it so that the roof can be used as a bimini when sailing in reasonable weather?

Thanks to anybody who replies.

Brendan </font>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: \"Room with a view\"

um without seeing the actual boat ... it's tough to answer unless someone has exactly the same boat.

This sort of question is the test for the meeting with a cover maker. A suitable type is Jim Bowman on 01489 572 487 who will will offer plenty of sensible ideas, some you hadn't thought of. imho.

However, depending on where you go, these covers quickly become sunshades rather than bad weather covers. You need to be able to partially and fully pull them apart, and any sides with windows will be uncomofortbale in the extreme in tropical weather hence need solid no-window panel alternatives, perhaps.


Well-known member
7 May 2003
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Re: [color:blue]\"Room with a view\" - enclosing cockpit [/color]

Our room with a view is the best place in the house ! Originally chosen to cope with inclement UK weather it has proven a godsend in hot weather too - and yes we sail with a bimini up. Ours was designed/created by a company in Poole/Torbay and is excellent although their customer service left something to be desired. PM me if you would like their details. It is important to have a good design as the layout for the uprights can be tricky although your Beneteau undoubtedly has more room than our slim Rival /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif The uprights get in the way of our staysail winches a bit but there really was no alternative.

I think if I were going blue water I would choose a light colour (ours is standard blue).

One thing to know about - it will initially leak until the seams have taken up - we were furious having paid quite a lot of money and were relieved when friends who'd had one for a while told us it happened to them - and after a shortish while it'll be completely dry !


25 Sep 2003
Isle of Wight
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Re: \"Room with a view\"

Oi tcm
'the reason he is busy is that he is doing my covers. plus extra covers to stop the covers being spoiled PLUS covers over that as well i think. Anyway, he's obviously far too busy, and tcm is a twit for giving out the flippin number.'

I know yours are fitted, i'm still waiting!!!