Just out of interest, how many here have used, or have witnessed a white collision avoidance flare used in anger? And how close would a ship have to be before you got them out?
Unfortunately , or fortunate for him , FullCircle is away on a romantic interlude , otherwise he may have told of the time he fired one off directly at the bridge of a boat where the crew seemed to be half asleep , it worked though , he's still sailing
Too many years ago, I crewed 4-up on a 'major race' and during the first night, somewhere south of Portland, my turn to run the deck came up. As the boat owner started towards his 'Thinwall Special' sleeping bag, I innocently asked him where he kept the white flares.
"Let me make it clear", he hissed, "that flares of any kind are NOT to be used on this boat in any circumstances whatever. My flares are strictly for the scrutineers....."
I have used a collision flare experimentaly, but these usually don't shoot anything out, just burn bright white. Actually the first one failed, and the second one ok. I've never seen a boat use them,ever.
Not sure what type he fired but the boat was bearing down on him and he was unable to move so he fired one off directly at the bridge , if I remember correctly
I don't think a boat has ever used one , it's usually someone on the boat wot does it
In a professional sailing career of nearly 35 years I have used white "steamer scarer" flares twice, both times with the required result. I used them as a last resort when a powerful Aldis lamp shone into the sail and then at the oncoming offender, and a call on the VHF (I knew the name of the ship, by chance) on one occasion, produced no change of course (or attitude probably).
Just remember not to look at the flare yourself or you will lose night vision, which is critical to you under these circumstances, for about 30 to 45 minutes.
I wouldn't recommend firing a para illuminating flare directly at the bridge of the ship. It might turn out to be a warship and you will feel the effects of a 4.5 inch shell up your transom