Don't know whether you could sue, but others may be able to sue you if you cause any offence to their sensibilities perhaps. Incitement to physical violence perhaps? Or even, "I tripped over my own other leg because my attention was distracted by this persons disastrous haircut!" ?
You could get away with if you let on your a single mother, asylum seeking, homeless, homosexual perhaps?? Or have you tried "compensation" for the distress caused to your family, by the haircut??
Actually I tripped over my leg whilst aghast at my own reflection in a shop window (Burtons) .. consequently I have ruined my up and coming football career as striker for Real Madrid .. that must be worth a bob ot two surely!
Most certainly your rights have been infringed (sic). Dont forget that your career at Real Madrid would certainly have lead to an appearance at Madame Tussauds in a Nativity scene followed by a starring role in the Hello exclusive of Elton John's wedding and who knows where your career would have gone from there. I would'nt settle for less than £20m