Cockpit shower - any recommendations


New member
29 Nov 2002
South Wales, UK
Apart from all the jovial obvious solutions - has anyone fitted a serious cockpit shower (ie plumbed in) and if so any recommendations? The Whale variant looks nice (!) but requires a huge cavern be cut through the hull which is not something I really want to do so are there any others people can recommend?


Well-known member
6 May 2005
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Standard Whale variant plumbed in using Hep2O piping. It's OK, nice and hot/warm/cold when required but the volume throughout is a bit small. I'd be tempted to go for the biggest shower head you can find, not the dinky 1.5 inch one.
16 May 2001
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The reason

...why the Whale unit requires a significant cut-out will become all to evident when you start trying to work the boat with a surface mounted shower unit. You will catch feet, salopettes, ropes, lifelines, drawstrings etc on it EVERY time you move. The slightest bit of frustration or panic action will rip off the fawcet switching on the hot water and there we are, a flooded cockpit!

No I would stick to the recessed types, Whale or any other. There are some smart Italian models around but due to corrosion issues, I would avoid any of the chromed alloy ones no matter how chic they look on the chandlers' displays. They will be a peeling, discoloured mess within a few months.

Incidentally, the transom is a better place to locate a deck shower but if you don't have a sugar scoop stern, this might be impractical.

Steve Cronin


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: The reason

I built a "portable"cockpit shower/bath.I found a small plastic box about 14inches x9 inches and 10 inches deep(appox) In that i drilled holes and glued in hose connectors then in the box i added a piston pump with pressure switch.

Connected the the pump to the connectors then added an on/off battery switch and "deck" power connector.That allows me to use it in the cockpit or on the fore deck where theres another power outlet for lights.

I can pump salt or fresh water hot or cold.As it happens i use it with walm fresh water in the cockpit.when i have a close by water supply i attach a hose when at anchor i recycle the water from my bath/shower unit (collaspable garden waist bin.

I fill the bin with walm water then stand under the shower, i rinse the shampoo into a bucket beside my bin so most goes over the side, then soap and rinse in my bin! Works really well!

I had all the parts apart from the 6 e? i think it cost,bin Now ive seen the French useing a "camping " shower which is a quite powerful fresh water only pump unit with a shower hose and head the pumps submerged in a 20 liter sun walmed plastic container.

The pump runs on 12v or batteries!! I ordered one in Tournon (Rhone) it cost 47€ there is a smaller one as well.As the shop dident have it when i had to leave i dident get one but they are really very good and very compact indeed.It also has a pressure switch.

I stayed the weekend in the port for free!As the Marie dosent always come around off season!The secratary at the Marie told me someone would be round after 10am on monday hence my hurry to leave.Though she said if i stayed i would only pay for monday very fair (off season) Nice town to.