Cobra 850




Suggest that you have a look at the Owners association at

We bought a 1981 bilge keel 850 at the tail end of last season, after quite a lengthy trawl through various other 27 - 30 footers. The 850 has a very spacious interior for a 28 footer, and it is a sensible seamanlike layout.

As mentioned, ours was built in 1981, and was apparently epoxy treated below the waterline from new as a precautionary measure. The gel-coat on the topsides, whilst having suffered a bit from 'chalking', has responded very well to a couple of applications of a proprietary gel-coat cleaner followed by a good polish with a teflon based car polish. Time consuming, but well worth it.

As regards sailing ability, we found from our test sail that at angles of heel in excess of about 20 degrees she started to feel a bit heavy on the helm. This apparently is pretty standard with the 850, and is easily rectified by putting a couple of rolls in the genoa, and if needed, going to the first reef in the main.

Have a look at the owners site, and don't be afraid to post any questions either on the forum or in the visitors book.



Thinking of buying above with bilge keels. Any advice especially regarding gel-coat, keel movement, sailing qualities or owners association would be appreciated.