Alas, whilst they've done that so far - BBC2 has turned into the Tennis Channel for the next two weeks. I don't see Coast in the schedules for Saturday /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Ooops - sorry. I don't actually have any TV schedules but I missed last week's Coast because 5 minutes after it started I got a phone call asking if I there was any chance I wouldn't mind taking the boat out on a quick errand sort of, errr, right now... so I was pleasantly surprised when it the episode came on on Saturday night so that I could enjoy it while the rest of my family sat through it all again.
You didn't miss a lot Phil. It talked a little about St. Govan and the Haven piece was mainly on the gun emplacements and the construction of the gas tanks. Very little that was actually boaty. There was also a short bit on some woman from the midlands who finds Caldey the perfect place for yoga and the growth of Swansea around the copper smelting industry. I was quite disappointed really as there was so much more they could have shown about the coast itself.