Classic boat fanatic in Syracusa, Sicily


8 May 2004
uk Portsmouth
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Our boat, a Van de Stadt 36 in steel is currently out of the water in Sicily. We have met a local, Andrea , who is an eye surgeon at the local hospital there and he owns a Swan 43, 1973 vintage. He has a great interest in all boats and wonders if thers are people in the UK who might have time and enough interest to help him in getting some articles published dealing with Classic yachts. He gave me his own article, in Italian, about his friend's boat , a Carter 39, together with his translation into English. This is not a useable document in publishing terms but is a very good rendition of the original and could be used as a basis for a final english version. Would anyone be interested in taking on the task of finishing the article and submitting it to Magazines for publication? I cannot do it myself at this time as I have too much on my plate at the moment and to be quite honest have not got the interest. Andrea is a 40 year old married man with a lovely wife and 2 boys who wpould be great contacts for any like minded fanatic. Contact me if you would like to pursue this.