New member
I dont normally read political diaries but I picked this one up on the way through Bristol airport and found it quite interesting and very readable. OK it doesnt have its quota of bodice ripping and it isnt a page turner in the usual sense but for those on the forums with entirelynegative views of politics, the country the government and indeed most other British things, it is a book worth reading.
Some of your prejudices it will confirm. Mullins is an intelligent man and comes over as a decent human being. But his view of life inside the house of babel is very tribal albeit with full recognition given to the failings of Broon and Blair. Its also very focussed on government action / spending with not even a page devoted to earning our living through industry. Even if in his valedictory speech he says " an economy based on shopping is not fit for the future".
Have a read. It likely will not change many of your views but it will inform them.
Some of your prejudices it will confirm. Mullins is an intelligent man and comes over as a decent human being. But his view of life inside the house of babel is very tribal albeit with full recognition given to the failings of Broon and Blair. Its also very focussed on government action / spending with not even a page devoted to earning our living through industry. Even if in his valedictory speech he says " an economy based on shopping is not fit for the future".
Have a read. It likely will not change many of your views but it will inform them.