We have a Sadler 290 on order for delivery next year & we are anxious to firm up our specification. We want to have all our nav equipment in the cockpit with perhaps a repeater at the Nav table for basic information. Our wish list as follows, mostly Raymarine manufacture we thought:
C80 or C120 multifunction display. Flush fitted to the cockpit fwd bulkhead, largest possible fit we thought.
RD18 Radar (mast fitted)
Raystar 125 GPS module
ST60 instruments (Depth, Log, Wind) to iinstr
ST60 Graphic Display below ? (Depth,Log,Wind, GPS)
S1 Plus Tiller Pilot (able to link with GPS or Wind)
VHF with DSC & Cockpit remote
Fluxgate compass for Radar overlay ??
We would be grateful for the team's views on our choices & welcome all advice.
C80 or C120 multifunction display. Flush fitted to the cockpit fwd bulkhead, largest possible fit we thought.
RD18 Radar (mast fitted)
Raystar 125 GPS module
ST60 instruments (Depth, Log, Wind) to iinstr
ST60 Graphic Display below ? (Depth,Log,Wind, GPS)
S1 Plus Tiller Pilot (able to link with GPS or Wind)
VHF with DSC & Cockpit remote
Fluxgate compass for Radar overlay ??
We would be grateful for the team's views on our choices & welcome all advice.