Chichester Harbour Water Quality


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1 Mar 2003
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I cant prove any of this but I will let people draw there own conclusions.

I have a little bit of eczema on my feet from time to time, I got my feet wet on Bosham quay the weekend before last and during last week my foot and lower leg started to hurt. Woke up yesterday morning and could barely stand on it, got to work north of Brighton and my foot and leg had become really swollen and to the point where I nearly fainted. Managed to get to the docs last night and he said my foot and leg had become infected! I can only put this down to standing in the water on the slipway down on Bosham Quay. I know there have been some water quality issues in the harbour for sometime so now I feel I have first hand experience of it!

Just woken up in agony again and have to down about 20 tablets a day for this! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


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27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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There is, or was, a sewer outfall at Apuldram, and there were problems with high rainfall washing raw sewage into Chichester harbour this year. I know no more directly, but from the Chichester Harbour Forum on the matter, this might be of interest:

Following the recent problems with sewage being discharged directly into the harbour, the Conservancy have requested that in the long term, all sewage discharges into the harbour should be stopped and in the medium term, sewage and storm water drains should be separated.
In the short term, we have asked that the following actions be taken:
- Southern Water should notify the Environment Agency of storm discharge operations and the Agency should then undertake regular monitoring of sewage levels in the harbour;
- Should the tests exceed Manadatory Bathing Water standards in the adjacent sailing waters, the Agency to notify Environmental Health at Chichester District Council;
- Environmental Health to notify key user groups (eg Chichester Harbour Conservancy)

[/ QUOTE ]

In short, the Conservancy has asked the Water Company to stop sewage from entering the harbour, which would imply that it hasn't stopped yet.


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22 Aug 2006
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Southern Water have been dumping tons and tons and tons of raw sewage into the harbour this summer -

the Harbourmaster wrote a letter expressing his health concerns - this letter was published and made public as he felt the users of the harbour were at risk -

Southern Water make millions and millions in profit and simply have no exscuse not to spend the money sorting it out - the issue is in the public domain (search previous posts oon here and chichester conservancy) and the health concerns are clearly expressed.

It won't fix your leg to sue the greedy useless b'stards who get away with vandalsing our country but if you get a few thousand quid - or hopefully a lot lot more - maybe more people will stop accepting that they have to swim and sail in the soil that these greedy useless corporations dump in our coastal waters because they can't get it together to sort out decent clean treatment systems while being happy enough to line their pockets with millions in profit -

please keep us updated -

would i let my kids swim in Chichester harbour ????


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1 Mar 2003
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Itotally agree with you, I dont think I stand a chance if sueing them as it would be so dificult to prove I picked the infection up there and that it was there fault. Think I am just going to have to live with it.


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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You should let Ali Becket know of your experiences.

Ali Beckett, Publicity & Information Officer, Chichester Harbour Conservancy.

Any info adds to the campagn to clean things up.

Perhaps post them on the harbour's own forum. It could do with a bit of use!

There are results of water quality tests done by Chi council on Their website

I think there is a treatment works in the Bosham area but i think it discharges into Itchenor reach. (Not at all sure about that though)

I think the one at Thornham dischages into the Emsworth channel. ( Not sure about that either, it may go into Thorney channel)


Active member
11 May 2005
Surrey, UK
It's worrying that Dell Quay has had two consecutive poor water quality samples. That will be the Apuldram treatment works that the Conservancy were complaining about, I guess. They are allowed to dump screened but untreated sewage directly into the harbour during periods of high rainfall.
