1. Mariners are advised that dredging operations will commence Monday 18 June 2007, or soon thereafter, to restore the depth of water across Chichester Bar to 1.5 metres below Chart Datum.
2. The dredged material will be, "Rainbowed," onto the Hayling Island beachfront along the Eastoke Peninsula, as part of Havant Borough Council's Beach Management Programme.
3. On completion of the Chichester Bar dredge additional material will be brought to the beach from offshore dredging site 351 situated east of the Isle of Wight.
4. The work will be undertaken by the trailing suction hopper dredger, Sospan Dau (LOA 71m), which will be operating 4 hours either side of high water, throughout the 24 hour period. Operations are expected to take 3 - 4 weeks.
5. Dredging of the approach channel to Chichester Harbour will be undertaken in the navigable corridor north and south of Chichester Bar Beacon position: 50º 45'.92 N 00º 56'.45 W
6. The Dredger Approach Route to the beachfront will commence south of West Pole Beacon and follow the approximate route: -
50º 45'.67 N 00º 56'.58 W
50º 46'.21 N 00º 57'.54 W
50º 46'.61 N 00º 57'.28 W
The dredger will then travel parallel with the beach to the discharge point. The return journey to the dredge area will follow a reciprocal route.
7. The Emsworth Channel, north of Mill Rithe has been designated as an anchorage for the Sospan Dau and may be used between dredging operations and during periods of bad weather.
8. All Mariners are requested to navigate with caution within the dredging and anchoring area, and to give the dredger a wide berth at all times.
Lt Col JQ Davis OBE Manager and Harbour Master 12 June 2007
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Harbour Office
PO20 7AW
T: 01243 512301
1. Mariners are advised that dredging operations will commence Monday 18 June 2007, or soon thereafter, to restore the depth of water across Chichester Bar to 1.5 metres below Chart Datum.
2. The dredged material will be, "Rainbowed," onto the Hayling Island beachfront along the Eastoke Peninsula, as part of Havant Borough Council's Beach Management Programme.
3. On completion of the Chichester Bar dredge additional material will be brought to the beach from offshore dredging site 351 situated east of the Isle of Wight.
4. The work will be undertaken by the trailing suction hopper dredger, Sospan Dau (LOA 71m), which will be operating 4 hours either side of high water, throughout the 24 hour period. Operations are expected to take 3 - 4 weeks.
5. Dredging of the approach channel to Chichester Harbour will be undertaken in the navigable corridor north and south of Chichester Bar Beacon position: 50º 45'.92 N 00º 56'.45 W
6. The Dredger Approach Route to the beachfront will commence south of West Pole Beacon and follow the approximate route: -
50º 45'.67 N 00º 56'.58 W
50º 46'.21 N 00º 57'.54 W
50º 46'.61 N 00º 57'.28 W
The dredger will then travel parallel with the beach to the discharge point. The return journey to the dredge area will follow a reciprocal route.
7. The Emsworth Channel, north of Mill Rithe has been designated as an anchorage for the Sospan Dau and may be used between dredging operations and during periods of bad weather.
8. All Mariners are requested to navigate with caution within the dredging and anchoring area, and to give the dredger a wide berth at all times.
Lt Col JQ Davis OBE Manager and Harbour Master 12 June 2007
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Harbour Office
PO20 7AW
T: 01243 512301