Challenge Warp Drive / North Radian worth considering?


Well-known member
19 Dec 2008
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Hi all,

I will be ordering a new furling genoa within a week or two. The sail is circa 26 sq m (280 sq feet) for a 29’ long keel sloop, LP percentage about 135.
Two of the lofts I have contacted propose, as an alternative to the traditional dacron cross cut, a tri-radial sail made from ”warp-oriented” sail cloth.
Sailmaker UK uses a cloth from Challenge called Warp Drive, sailmaker North produces their own cloth, named Nordac Radian.
As far as I can see both these cloths are claimed to achieve the same thing, that is low stretch in the warp direction, making it worthwhile using bi- and tri-radial design for dacron sails. The products also seem to be fairly new on the market.
Has anyone had new sails made from any of these two cloths?
How have your sails performed so far?
How have you reasoned in the choice between a cross cut and a radial cut dacron genoa (laminates not considered)?
Any input much appreciated.