Ive also got some curry prawns and biltong. I will hunt me down a mistress.
If I read the book and eat the peanuts wont the mistress get a bit pissed off.
I once slept on the side of the highway because I was too pissed to drive any further. I woke up and hoped an ambulance would come by. I found a packet of Granpas headache powder in the cubbyhole. I had to eat it dry. Eventualy the taste was so vile I stumbled along the hightway untill I found a puddle of water and drank that.
One never learns hey.
No it was all the talk about mistresses and because it is true. Or should I re-phrase it.
How can you make sure your wife mistress etc never fakes an orgasm.
Dont give her the time.
I am pretty quick.
How about some bunny chow to go with the castle, or perhapes some mealie pap with kapenta? /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (not sure whether I spelt it right but the little dried fish).
Stingo, please be so good as to give us all a little warning when you are going to be funny.
I laughed so loudly I have woken Dearheart, duty calls goodnight all
We must be getting the locals round here a bit brassed off.
The Castle had an inch of congealed yuk at the top by the time it had got to Kasama or Mporokosu in Northern province (Zambia)- but there was only the local beer to drink and that could, and did, make you really ill. Very nutritious though !
Kapenta - what a tasty dish - so long as you shook the sand out of it. Couldn't compare with the crabs on the bar tables at Inhassoro at Sundowner, though !