Case hardening source for Stuart Turner parts


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24 Jul 2006
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I am rebuilding my ST P66 and have been unable to track down an outer race for one of the big end bearings (Fairway Marine seem to be the only supplier and are out of stock and will be for the foresee-able future).
I am going to machine up a new one and either case harden it myself with Kasenit or get it case hardened (tuftrided/nitrided) professionally, any one have any experience of using Kasenit and its effectiveness or know of a metal treatment company with a low small order charge, (its only 2"od by 1.5"id and 1" long).
My other option is to machine it from an alloy or tool steel and harden and temper it myself in the forge but I would need a supplier for a blank or bar end of the right size.
Hope you can help.
PS i have heard all the jokes about using my Stuart Turner as a mooring block. /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif


New member
27 Jun 2002
Medway, UK
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I've never used Kasenit, but a colleague (sitting next to me at the moment) has.

Kasenit gives a case depth of about 1.5 thou per application. It is easy to use - my colleague did it as a 14 year old at school. Heat the item is red hot and non magnetic prior to dipping into the powder. Then re-heat, quench and temper just like you would with any hardenable steel. Don't forget the re-heating & quenching - it's easily done because the first operation only adds carbon to the outer layer - making a hardenable steel. The second heating & quench hardens the newly hardenable outer layer.

