Cartagena Question


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15 Sep 2014
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I'm talking about Cartagena Spain, not Colombia...

Anyway, I was there in the marina for a week late March of 2019 - the only time I have ever been there.

Now, reading about it I see that the marina, or possibly part of it, has a reputation for being a bit rolly, and a bit theft-prone. I didn't notice either.

As i understand it, the western part is the town marina and the eastern half is a private marina. I didn't realize this when I was there. I was a guest on the yacht and had nothing to do with the logistics.

I was in the eastern part.

Which marina is subject to wakes and rolling - is it the private marina, the public marina, or both?

To me , it seemed like it would be a nice place to liveaboard for the winter - the town is a bit gritty, but not too touristy, and is an easy walk from the marina. I did read that they get huge cruise ships, but probably not in the winter - I didn't see any in March.

Any other comments about Cartagena are welcomed.


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10 Jan 2008
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We wintered aboard at YPC (the eastern marina) 2011-12 and loved it. Very secure, with guard on gate. With strong southerly winds we were told it can be a bit rolly particularly towards the marina Office (eastern side of Marina), but we didn’t have any issues. Best shelter is the berths with lazy lines on the western side of the Marina, rather than the finger pontoons on the east. We did get the occasional cruise ship in but they arrived in the morning and left the same afternoon so not a problem- it did liven the town up for a few hours!
Cartagena is a great town all winter-museums, theatre, tapas festival, not to mention excellent walking both east and west of the town. We would have no hesitation in returning!


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21 Sep 2012
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The YPC, the only one that has real room for visitors, used to get occasionally roly on some pontoons but a couple of years back the cruise ship terminal which forms its outer sea wall was extended by 100m so it offer more protection now.

A few bikes were stolen when we were there for a couple of winters but it still beats any other winter spot in the Med hands down for my money because the town is so nice. Recently I think that a lot of ex-Lagos liveaboards moved there for winter and brought a certain complaining nature with them ("good god do you realise that some of these Spanish marineros can't even pronounce Tarquill D' Forks Sj John Smythe properly when they speak to me, what a terrible place") which perhaps is seen online

They were only 40-50% full when I was there and now are 100% capacity every winter so perhaps its not a good as it was but well worth a try - Cartagena as a town is an absolute gem


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24 May 2012
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Recently I think that a lot of ex-Lagos liveaboards moved there for winter and brought a certain complaining nature with them ("good god do you realise that some of these Spanish marineros can't even pronounce Tarquill D' Forks Sj John Smythe properly when they speak to me, what a terrible place") which perhaps is seen online.

Know exactly who you mean. Gave Lagos a bad name.??

Fortunately, so far as I know, none of them use these forums.
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26 Jan 2004
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We was looking to heading west even Portugal for this winter but I did,get a bit of a shock when I emailed for monthly and winter contract , I think cartegna said 550 pm or just over 2K for a winter contract plus taxes .
There wasn't much difference between the Portuguese marina with largos being the most expensive.
Almerimar probably was the best priced but we spend a winter there some 10 years ago and although a nice place there nothing out side the marina complex.

So for this winter we return to Sicily where our contract with discount for 6 months is 1100 that's just two months of Cartegna rate even tho we only be using three months of that six month contract we still pounds in .


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15 Sep 2014
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We was looking to heading west even Portugal for this winter but I did,get a bit of a shock when I emailed for monthly and winter contract , I think cartegna said 550 pm or just over 2K for a winter contract plus taxes .
There wasn't much difference between the Portuguese marina with largos being the most expensive.
Almerimar probably was the best priced but we spend a winter there some 10 years ago and although a nice place there nothing out side the marina complex.

So for this winter we return to Sicily where our contract with discount for 6 months is 1100 that's just two months of Cartegna rate even tho we only be using three months of that six month contract we still pounds in .

500/month is still not the highest.

where in Sicily? I'm interested...

I am willing to pay extra to have a _real_ town to walk to. During my week last march (more like 5 days, i think) I walked extensively and still had much to see.

Less expensive marinas are often not part of a real town - I would go crazy... I don't want to go the same bar every night, filled with the same yachties - that's great once or twice a week, but i want to be amongst people living "real" lives.


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24 Jan 2010
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We stayed there for a few weeks about three years ago. The town was an interesting place both historically and culturall. We enjoyed it.

I have a friend who has been there for about 18 months and he said that they had increased their rate, and removed some of the concessions for say catamarans, this winter. Accordingly, some of the regular winter visitors are apparently looking elsewhere for next winter.

The marina may learn that converting regular customers from discounted rates to more standard prices isn’t so easy. Yachties are mobile and there’s nothing like a price rise to get them sailing elsewhere.

Clancy Moped

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18 Jun 2019
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Licata in Sicily is the grimest winter town I've ever had the missfortune to stay in. The main supermarket ran out of gin in October and didn't restock..... packs of wild dogs roaming about the place attacking people on bikes..... If you crave adult day care ask for a mooring away from the concrete works.


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26 Jan 2004
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500/month is still not the highest.

where in Sicily? I'm interested...

I am willing to pay extra to have a _real_ town to walk to. During my week last march (more like 5 days, i think) I walked extensively and still had much to see.

Less expensive marinas are often not part of a real town - I would go crazy... I don't want to go the same bar every night, filled with the same yachties - that's great once or twice a week, but i want to be amongst people living "real" lives.
We be going back to Licata ,it a large sicilian town even without our discount for it still a lot less


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26 Jan 2004
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Licata in Sicily is the grimest winter town I've ever had the missfortune to stay in. The main supermarket ran out of gin in October and didn't restock..... packs of wild dogs roaming about the place attacking people on bikes..... If you crave adult day care ask for a mooring away from the concrete works.
I don't know when you was there last , but I can honest say what you wrote is nothing like Licata. The town is fully open over the winter and its lively , the super maket is very big , and it's never run out of my Martini , there also some walk away Lidi MK and may others ,good livabord commutiy busses to airport , the down side is the fouling , it's bad but there a dive at a cost will clean the hull or if like us your CC it's not a problem .
There are three dogs there but there more likely to lick you to death then any thing else .
At the BBQ they sit quietly till some one give them scrapes
Your Licata sound nothing like the Licata we used twice now over the years .
Yes there is a works the other side of the harbour but other then the odd hum of some kind on loading now and then that's as far as it goes . Please if anyone going to run a marina down be honest.
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Clancy Moped

Well-known member
18 Jun 2019
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We spent the winter 2014 there and everything I described in the above was 100% true, Im glad it's got better, the town was a shit hole.


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26 Jan 2004
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We spent the winter 2014 there and everything I described in the above was 100% true, Im glad it's got better, the town was a shit hole.

I wasn't having a dig at you , I just think when people ask info on some thing like a winter marina , once you have paid they money there stuck with it for several months we should give a good description of the place and if we have some thing we didn't like to point out why, it seen to me what your biggest dislike wasn't the marina or how it was operated but the town and the supermarket, It seen your more happier with a modern town which is fair enough .
There been one big change since we was there last in 2013 , the management, I did swear I would never go back but when I heard that they been arrested and maybe still are inside we give it another go,and please we did .
Licata is an old Sicilian two. Like all the others it has its run down side but mostly it have charms , we love old town with real people .