Canal Boat Protests on BBC news


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19 Nov 2003
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More boats join in canal blockade


Narrowboats in Birmingham
Dozens of boats blockaded canals in Birmingham
More narrowboat owners have joined a floating demonstration as part of protests over cuts to the government grant given to British Waterways.

Canals in Birmingham and across the West Midlands were among those blocked by dozens of protesters.

Narrowboat owner Penny Barber said the canals had been cleaned up in recent years and she was worried they would go back to how they once were.

Defra has said investment in waterways has been "heavy" in recent years.

The cuts amount to 5% of its recent grants.

The Minister of Inland Waterways, Lord Rooker of Perry Barr, said: "I don't think it will lead to the cutting of British Waterway's programme of work.

"We very much regret the cuts."

John Fletcher, chairman of the Inland Waterway's Association, said the association was already having to make cuts and this would mean they would be planning the next few year's work programme on a lower funding basis.

Protests have also taken place in Shropshire and Worcestershire.
11 Feb 2006
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There's no reference to the reason for the cuts: DEFRA having underpaid EU farming subsidies are now seriously in debt and having to claw back where they can. This will effect the Environmental Agency too. Who should fund much-needed lock repairs on the Medway. And pay for beach replenishment here on Hayling . . .

It's not just a canal issue at all.


New member
1 Nov 2006
Seems a bit crazy

No one has to pay a licence in the Netherlands, so why in the UK? The UK rivers and waterways are a national asset and should be treated as such. To reduce defra funding (inc. EA & EA) and charge such high licence fees is a killer recipe.
I say we need to follow the Dutch. No shortage of moorings and facilities there!


Re: Seems a bit crazy

No one has to pay a licence in the Netherlands, so why in the UK? The UK rivers and waterways are a national asset and should be treated as such. To reduce defra funding (inc. EA & EA) and charge such high licence fees is a killer recipe.
I say we need to follow the Dutch. No shortage of moorings and facilities there!

[/ QUOTE ]

Interesting, so how are the Dutch Canals and Waterways maintenance and admin costs funded?


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23 Sep 2002
The glorious South
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Re: Seems a bit crazy

No one has to pay a licence in the Netherlands, so why in the UK? The UK rivers and waterways are a national asset and should be treated as such. To reduce defra funding (inc. EA & EA) and charge such high licence fees is a killer recipe.
I say we need to follow the Dutch. No shortage of moorings and facilities there!

[/ QUOTE ] Why do you think I keep my boat there /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
There's no reference to the reason for the cuts: DEFRA having underpaid EU farming subsidies are now seriously in debt and having to claw back where they can.

[/ QUOTE ]

THIS suggests they are NOT short of money!!!!

Dunno who to believe. Its definitely NOT just a canal boat issue but The IWA is clearly recognised as a canal boat organisation so they get all the publicity and us cruisers are relegated to being posh buggers with money to burn as usual.

I still think we need to get much better organised and a 'banner'campaign in the sprimg with EVERY boat on the river displaying their protest much more likely to make people aware.


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5 Apr 2005
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No one has explained why DEFRA have made the cuts which will affect all users of all types of waterway, both British Waterways (canals in the main) and EA, Rivers and other waterways not under BW.
The cuts are being made to pay the fine imposed on DEFRA by the EU for the utter shambles DEFRA made and is still making in not paying correctly the subsidys due to farmers, mostly the very hard pressed hill farmers who cannot survive if they are not paid on time.
The man responsible for the mess was put on "gardening leave" when the mess first hit the fan, on a salary of £136,000 a year.
So, we waterway users are paying the fine for DEFRA's bungling administrators because that is were our grants are administered and we are the only ones they can hit as our grants are not mandatory. The government could of course pay the fine but they would rather you and I paid it by getting less repair and renewals done on waterways and by the big hike in licence and mooring fees now being posted to all BW boaters and I understand to EA customers also.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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IWA has always been far better organised and powerful than say the ATYC. They seem to have a Lobby that gets things done.
I think the only claim to fame with the ATYC was a few years back when some no-nuffink do-gooder moved to make it compulsory for everyone on the Thames to wear a Life Jacket at all times and they managed to scotch it.


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30 Apr 2004
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Hmmmmm -
I think part of the problem is that the IWA doesn't have factions based on what sort of boat one has, so it is better able to focus on the main issue (rather than folks sniping around on perhaps irrelevant issues). It of course has a lot more members.

To my mind the ATYC and the River Thames Society (?name), really represent local issues; the former for its boating members and the latter for its riparian members.

Immediately you have a division of effort and interests. So when EA say they have consulted with "your" representatives - no one is quite sure who they may be.

I think "we" must all bury our differences (whatever they really are) and present an united front.

I've just got my renewal demand and the absolute value (total new pounds) is frightening when one thinks that next year it will be that much plus another fourteen percent, and the next year as well. I found a discussion document somewhere in EA which suggested that the 14% increase compound should run for TEN years.

?? Declining numbers ?? - what boats....


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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You are perfectly correct in stating that organisations on the Thames do not present a united front. The ATYC and the RTS can sometimes be in direct opposition. ATYC see them as wanting the entire river to be reeds and the RTS see us as wanting it as a power boat racing venue. Exaggeration yes! but you get my drift (no pun intended). The River Users group do sterling work and have representation from all users but there again Rowers have their point of view, anglers another and so on and so forth.