calling coliholic



Where were you? At Lymington nice and early, no C, no C's phone. Now I've gorn and lorst mine, so 020 8303 3329. I have nicked a go on the web fing at the boat show, so here I am. Cheap eh?

Most noticeable improvement at SBS this year, according to my very careful inspections, is that the plastic glasses on the Guinness stand are much better, and nearly like glass.


Did the boat show yesterday (nothing new or interesting), and met up with Andy Wilson at Lymingyon later for a couple of drinks in the evneing, well to cut a long story short, fell in off the pontoon and my 'phone's now at the bottom of the marina.

Had a cuppa with jfm about 20 mins after you left and he tells me you're buying a third share in his Phantom 42 so now you'll have a proper boat to drive in real english weather. Is that right


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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yup like a well organised pu in a brewery colin showed up 1/2 after you left so we had cuppa tea. some story about taking a 12m walk on a 10m pontoon ence mob phone bust. anyway shame u missed the , trip out, high drama had to rescue 40ft yacht that had gone aground off lymington; quite difficult when crew = 8year old who can tie shoelaces only



found (my) phone later so that's ok. Sorry to miss you. Anyway...have u found a boat? To avoid future nighttime falls, praps you'll need a large one. Boat, that is.


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16 May 2001
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Cutting a long story short.

Some stories of course can be padded out and made very long indeed.

Anyway, you still haven't said why you didn't jump back in to get my daughters sock whilst you were still wet.

We tried your phone on Sunday morning but the bubbles coming to the surface were too weak to trace the call. Sorry!


Re: Long version please

Tell us more about the swimming expedition. Too much tea, I imagine. Or leaping in to rescue a sock? Or got thrown in my daughter?


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16 May 2001
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Re: Dream On

I had a quick look round the Turbo36 on Sunday afternoon. Hmmmm, like you say it seemed a bit overpriced. They are quite tardis-like (I've never been in one before) but that one needs a bit of tidying-up inside. Cabins smelled musty, carpet knackered (and there's acres of carpet in there, wall-to-wall inclusive). It has been reupholstered, nice workmanship but wasted on that choice of fabric - still dizzy 24hrs later. But the aft cabin is truly huge and the saloon also is pretty massive, and flybridge ok too - I can see the attractions of this model in general. I'll be down there next couple of weeks, will let you know if it appears to have sold



Re: Coliholic Uncut - The long version

Met up with Andy and his wife Louise and their gorgeous 8 mth old daughter, Saffron + 2 other friends of A&L for dinner in the Yacht club at Lymington. about half ten, after just a couple of drinks (honest guv), A&L decided Saffy, who hadn't murmured all evening, she just sat and giggled and smiled at everyone, was tired and invited us back to the boat to meet a few of their other friends, Johnny Walker, Ron Bacardi and Jack Daniels.

Anyway on the walk back along the pontoon in the pitch dark, I was a bit concerned that the friend carrying the babe may not realise how short the finger pontoons are so I took a step to the side in order to be able to see ahead of him.

It was then that I heard the splash. "Oh dear", thinks me, "someone's fallen in. And why am I all wet?"

Well when the dragged me out I was missing the phone and hotel key. For some obscure reason we tried with a torch to spot the phone and key, (it's about 10 feet deep there), but the only thing we spotted amongst the brown trouts floating in the marina, was one of the babe's sox, though for the life of me I can't think how that got there. Andy did suggest I jump back in to get it back but I had a cough, well the last part of my reply sounded like cough. So we made a hasty exit and squelched back the 200 yds to the B&B and left big wet footprints all over their nice Axminster. What was worse of course was we missed out on a good drink, though whether I needed it is another matter.

So that's the full story. Bet you wish you'd stuck to the short version eh?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Coliholic Uncut - The long version

Fairly plausible, in fact I'd believe it even in daylight. Your phone story stacks up, it gave the message "it has not been possible to connect your call" followed by the optimistic "it may be possible if you try again later". Re nomenclature, 8month old is "baby". "Babe" is something different altogether. You need to watch more TV.



Re: Coliholic Uncut - The long version

Hmm. Where's the detail of the sunday mnorning wandering round lym trying to find some new clothes? And why did it take till 12.30 the next moring to get to the marina? Some people will do anything to get out of buying a new boat.


Happy Tidings

I am glad and pleased for you all that you shipmates have found each other again and that all is well. Thank you for that little slice of life. A wonderful adventure with a happy ending.