Calling any past or present Macwester Wight Mk2 owners...

Colvic Watson

Well-known member
23 Nov 2004
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Considering one of these and would love to hear from anyone who has / had one - or any experience or reviews. What are they like in a blow? What are they like to sail? Good points & bad points -

16 May 2001
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A neighbour of mine bought the first one of the Mk2s. He doesn't sail anymore and all I ever did was visit the boat at it's moorings in Chichester. AS I remember she needed a blow and didn't point too highly but then both of these vices were common in contemporaries too at that time. I DO remember that the builders did originally present the boat at handover with the nav. lights the wrong way and had to take hasty and very embarrassed remedial action with a screwdriver a but that is of no consequence. I believe that she was a sturdy boat. Not pretty but always going to get you home.

Tony Carding who used to write the cruising notes for PBO had a Macwester 31 around the same time. He went everywhere in that. Agian a very tough boat.

They made the Malin a little later which was more stylish - the show boat was red & white! However it was still a very sturdy and seaworthy boat but not a flier.

Steve Cronin


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17 Mar 2004
tite stops your nuts falling off
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It was along time ago and probably Mk 1 (no headlining and lots of condensation)
She made a lot of leeway. Might as well use the engine if the wind is
much forward of beam. As I recall a Captain Diesel (BMC 1500 cc)
My impression was solid and safe
Rig was easy double handed.
Of course I have a story.......
When she was up for sale, we collected some potential purchasers,
A family with young children. It was blowing a bit and we were fairly busy for a while with sails and nav. We finally got her set up right
with sails pulling nicely and a fair bit of heel.
I turned to the family in the cockpit to ask them how they were
enjoying them selves.....
Husband was green and glassy eyed, wife and children were hanging over the side. They did not even make an offer!

Regards Briani