hi there i am hoping to purchase a second hand boat the problem is the boat has been registered in jersey would this mean any implactions or cost once i have purchased the boat
Assuming you want to re-reg in UK (advisable) then you need a deletion cetificate from the Jsy registry. Normal to request seller to sort this out, and he is then required to deliver boat and deletion certificate on completion of transaction (ie the day you pay and take possession).
Then you can reg in UK, and send them the deletion cert, as they will require that.
As mentioned, it is likely not VAT paid if Jersey. So you'll be obliged to pay VAT on import to UK.
Though there may be solutions to that if it's a big/expensive boat. Also are you buying privately or through a dealer, as that has a vAT impact?
In my experience you should have few problems with the registration. Transfer the ownership in the usual way and keep it that way. The boat may have been kept in the Uk anyway......the VAT problem and EU directive are another matter, as already pointed out.
I have a Jersey registered boat which I bought in Hampshire and keep in Brighton. There are no problems with it at all. Just inform Jersey registrar of the change of ownership in the usual way.
No, not true. It's just part of the British Registry. You complete the normal forms as you would in UK. You can do it by post, as I did.
Phone the Registrar at Jersey Harbours and they'll confirm that I'm sure.
Address and phone:
Jersey Harbours
Maritime House
La Route du Port Elizabeth
St Helier