Burnham Scow restoration fund


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5 Mar 2007
East Coast
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I am aware of a number of Scows around the Blackwater/Burnham area that are rotting away due to lack of funds to restore them. I am hoping to set up a restoration fund to rescue them and was wondering whether anyone had any experience of raising money for such a project? Any hints or tips would be welcome or indeed anyone interested in joining me in this venture?


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23 Feb 2007
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Hi there

I'm Colne based and play with Wivenhoe One Designs, which like the Scows need a fair pile of cash to re-build.

To be honest, I think it is hard for anyone to raise any 'public' cash to support the re-builing of such boats. Yes they are nice, yes they are old, but are they significant? Possibly. If you can make a case and put a good history together and some sort of programme which enables a wider public to enjoy the boats, the you could look at Heritage Lottery Funding. For a scow I shoud think you are talking 5-10K depending on the degree of damage. Therefore you could go for one of the smaller funds which can be easier to access.

You could potentially link the re-build process into some sort of class which helps people learn about clinker boat building. We're lucky here on the Colne as we have the Nottage, but I don't know about such provision further down the Essex coast.

Another idea could be that one of the clubs in the area 'invest' in some of the boats and then rather than selling them off, they 'rent' the boats to interested parties. this is done with a number of old one design fleets around the UK. It means that the boats never end up 'lost' and ensures that the owners are compelled to do some regular maintenance.

Other than that, it's about stimulating local interest. I know there are a number bobbing round the crouch that I have seen so there must obviously be an interest.

Hope this is of help. Good luck.

Oh, finally, make sure the boats you have are listed on the historic register being put together by the NMM in Falmouth. PM me if you like as I have the details.




Active member
5 Mar 2007
East Coast
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Thanks for that gives me something to go on. Yes please if you could send me the details of the NMM in Falmouth I would be obliged.

Keith 66

Well-known member
21 Jun 2007
Benfleet Essex
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To get funding for a project like this wouild be well nigh impossible, after all the last undamaged Tea clipper Carrick isnt getting any help is she! and how many good ships have been broken up in the last 30 years
Only a few years ago our own NMM cut up the paddle tug that had been in the museum for years .
I fear this country has its priorities wrong!