Building a Hunter from a kit



I'm sure this has been asked before but has anybody any experiences (good or bad) of building a Hunter boat from a kit. I'm looking at the Channel 31 particularly, but any observations would be great. Also I have heard of some difficulties with Osmosis on Hunters, there are three having treatment in my local yards at the moment.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Hunter have been around for a long time and most GRP boats more than about 15 years old suffer to a greater or lesser degree.

Modern boats are built of more moisture resistant resins and gelcoats.

If I had a brand new hull I would give it several coats of gelshield before launching as you are in the unique position of not having to remove multi layers of antifoul.

I spoke at length with a chap on the Hunter stand at the Boat show about a kit boat .Apparently if you use all their bits and put it together correctly they can issue an RCD certificate confirming your boat meets all new standards which would improve the resale value at a later date.

In my case it is not on as I dont have sufficient time or cash but best wishes for the project if you go ahead.

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