We have a Brydon Boy manual toilet, which went out of production years ago. Does anyone know of another manufacturers toilet pump unit that is compatible with the Brydon Boy bowl?
Regret not! May I add to the query? Does anyone know of a water pump seal that will fit the pump handle? It appears to be 10 mm. internal diameter and about 20 mm. overall? We pump plenty water out as a spray! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
We have the same problem and managed to get hold of a new service kit pack at a boat jumble, but unfortunately it was only partialy successful. The main problem seems to be that the piston has enlarged the hole in the top on the cylinder. I'm still looking elsewhere, if I have any success I'll let you know!
You can get service kits from Fox's in Ipswich. I change mine every year if it needs it or not. It’s still not too clear to me which way up the seal around the piston shaft should go though. Its got an annular spring in a kind of groove - should that go into the hole (i.e. up) or towards the piston (i.e. down). The instruction sheet is too small/poorly printed to show this clearly. I think this has a bit to do with water escaping around the shaft.
The maker is Dutch and its called something like "generic toilet service kit" so as not to break copywrite I suppose.