I'm delivering a boat from Hamble to Brighton, I'll be there around 17.00 on Sunday! I'll need a drink by then! While I wait for the taxi to take me back to Hamble /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Solitaire is leaving earlier than planned for Brighton - if you get this give him a call on 07778 646518 as I'm sure he will be glad of a lift back rather than hang about for a taxi.
I've just heard that he plans to leave this morning, but will check conditions once outside the Solent. The delivery is of a new boat with a "new" owner" so he will not take risks with a new boat or an inexpericneced owner!!!
Hi - nice chatting with you this morning and thanks for the offer. In the end I pulled the trip on the trip and took the "client" to Port Solent instead. It was interesting, I warned him what the sea state would be like and he now knows what I meant! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Agreed that the call I'd made was the right one and now understands a bit more about what can happen!! I had to take over the helm half way round! And that was simply going from Hamble to Portsmouth! I must say though that I was very impressed with the Monterey 250 he has - very dry and felt solid. Just didn't fancy having a strong Easterly on the nose with W.O.T! Even if it is neaps.