Get in the queue! I had the idea of suing IPC for ruining my life earlier this week, and owned up to being an addict, so you'll have to wait for me to sue first, cos I don't want the IPC coffers being depleted by others trying the same tactic!
Its a good thing, then the forum realy works! lots of input and useful comment?? mostly
Except certain Mac users that constantly appear to be in stress and unpleasent!
Or is it fora? Do addicts progress from low content to high strength somehow and finally swallow a post too many?
I'll come back and check for replies sooner than is reasonable...
I used to just read the threads at first. Then I started posting messages myself. Just once a day at first. I thought I could handle it [sniff]. Now I post two or three times a day, sometimes more. But hey, I could stop if I wanted to...