Bow thrusters



Hullo everybody. This is the first time I've visited the site and I must say it makes a good read.
Has anyone experienced any disadvantages in having a bow thruster?
I'm in my second season of sailing, having acquired a Vancouver 34 Pilot last year. She has quite a bit of windage and a longish keel; add my own inexperience and parking can be tricky if the wind or tide is in the wrong direction.
I can see the obvious benefits of having a bow thruster but is there a downside?


1 Oct 2001
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We have a bow thruster and I have four years use of it now.
Haven't found any dis-advantages, yet!!


New member
16 May 2001
One of the best.... I did. I have a Moody 42 Ketch, a heavy beast with lots of windage. The bowthruster makes all the difference when manouvering in crowded marinas. I cannot note any difference in performance when sailing.
There were replies regarding current drain and noise. I will not agree on these, normally the use of the thruster will be limited to a few seconds only, this drain iwill be put back into the batteries in a few minutes at the most.
Yes, the thruster is noisy, and so what? Flapping sails are as well, not to mention a racing diesel when shifting gears during manouvers in a marina.
The thruster I have is a bit on the big side if you read the recommendations and thats a benefit. I´ve seen quite a few yachts having too small ones and thus not beeing able to overcome strong winds.
Be careful not to mount the thruster to close to the water surface. Mine is mounted in the minimal recommended depth, which equals one tube diametre. This is a bit on the shallow side, if there are waves it will suck in air and the power will be noticeable weaker. Try to have it as deep as possible.
If you can afford the cost - go for it!!!


I am the owner of a 32 feet long keel sailboat (Laurin Koster 32 with a total weight of 6 tons) and wonder if I should install a bow thruster. I have asked some suppliers what size I should go for, however they have given different answers. If anyone could give me advice, I would be thankful.


Tor from Oslo in Norway


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30 May 2001
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Anyone seen the inverted periscope type - These are mounted flush with the deepest part of the hull and when activated extend downwards into the water and rotate through 180 degrees. Very good for those boats that don't have a lot of boat under the water up forward.


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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I just bought a Jeanneau 37, a bow thruster already fitted. What a great device, however I think the original cost of fitting would have put it more "on the wish list" than a reality! If money is no object and you fit it then as I can see there is no down side to having one - no noticable performance drag, an extra battery linked to back uo the domestics is a good idea, great fun watching the faces after the mutterings on the jetty "oh, er, oi can't see 'ow he'll set owt of there!"

Press and squirt sideways

Good luck



New member
16 May 2001
If you sail a Laurinkoster...

...I clearly understand why you are thinking of a bowthruster. One of nearest neighbours in the marina (Stockholm) is a beautiful Laurin 32 in GRP, and and I see them often when reversing or trying to make tight turns......well, you know.
The owners have shown great interest in my yacht, when I reverse into my berth, regardless of circumstances.

Regardless what others say, I´m a great fan of a thruster, especially in a yacht like yours.
Go for the biggest in the recommendations from the suppliers. It´s when it blows really hard you need it most!


Re: If you sail a Laurinkoster...

Vetus do a good information leaflet specifically on Bowthrusters and answer all the questions you're likely to have. Of course they recommend the ones they sell, but the general info is generic and then up to you to choose whether to buy theirs or source elsewhere.


Have you hit anything yet ?

If not you're doing ok !

Part of the fun of in a marina is seeing everybody else having problems making up for the times when WE were in trouble. As Charles Stock says in his book - there is alot of pleasure in other peoples misfortunes ( providing they are of a minor nature of course). I am always good value for money as I have a swinging mooring and use a marina about once a year when the weather's bad and blowing.

Personally I think thrusters are a cop out in sailing - it just makes things too damn easy. Myself, I have my own personal tug for these situations - a wife pushing in the Avon.


Well-known member
5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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I am thinking about installing a bow thruster on my 9m Cat. Has any else installed one, especially on a Cat?.
I used the formulae in the Vetus catalogue to see what size bow thruster I should fit and due to windage it should be the 55 Kgf one. Does any know whether their formulae is over generous as I do not have room for the 55 Kgf bow thruster nor the battery charging capacity.