Bow thruster problem

George green

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23 Apr 2015
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Evening all. I have just brought a 43ft sail boat and it has a bow thruster. I have never had a bow thruster before and don’t know much about them. The problem I have is when you turn the main power switch on the bow thruster just goes on, on it’s own and the switch at the helm seems to do nothing. I will be having a look at it at the weekend and thing it is probably a stuck solenoid. Any advice would be of help. It’s. QL 24v bow thruster I don’t know the model yet.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
There was a thread about a Volvo Penta QL BP600 Bow Thruster about 8 years ago. The control part in the bow seemed more complex than expected (1 integrated circuit; 6 transistors; 2 relays; numerous diodes and many other discrete components). I think that it was basically a timer to introduce a 2 second delay when switching rapidly from one side to the other and a second timer to shutdown after extended use.

The thread also included some links to alternative spare parts and might be worth reading. Bow Thruster Control Circuitry

I have a bowthruster on my 42' sailing boat and missed the bit about annual maintenance in the manual. It took a couple of years to realise I should remove the props. annually and lubricate the seals with silicone grease. I don't know if that's a common thing but well worth checking the manual very carefully. Mine has a really big warning to NEVER run it out of the water. At least I couldn't miss that warning. :D:D
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I got one prop Mike I can't get off for no love or money, the other year I asked a yard in France to give a go after some time with a lump of wood and hammer I got them to stop .
I'm going to buy a spare and it some point split the old one as its plastics.
I guess some idiot antifoul the shaft at some point and then put the prop on .
If I could get a three leg pully in I might had a chance but hole too small


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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If you have 'just bought' the yacht

Why not contact, by phone/mobile, the previous owner and ask them?

Unless you screwed the price right down or were unreasonable on some facet of the transaction then as you have engendered a positive image the previous owner should be more than willing to answer, what seems to be, a very simple question.
