?Booking A Covid Jab IN Portugal.??


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24 May 2012
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Utentes com mais de 65 anos podem agendar a vacinação a partir de hoje

This should make it much easier to get vaccinated.

Covid jabs are only available from SMS, the Portuguese Health Service (not private medical practices or hospitals) and residents require a health (utente) number, which you can get by producing your passport and residency document at your local health centre (Centro de Saude), you can also apply on line.

Non-residents can also get a vaccination by filling in an application form.

The link above is in Portuguese, but to make life easy, there is a translation below.

If you want any more information. please PM me.


Edited to make the translation more readable. ✅ ;)

The Self-Appointment Portal for Vaccination against COVID-19 went live on Friday, April 23rd.

This feature is accessible from the COVID-19 Portal , allowing users over 65 years old (age group that will now begin to be vaccinated regardless of any disease) to go to the portal and choose the vaccination centre at which they wish to be vaccinated.

When users make this option, they are presented with the first available date, and users can accept it or choose a more convenient one.

In the event that there are no vacancies available, users can choose to stay on the waiting list at that vaccination point or choose a date at another vaccination centre.

Subsequently, the user who made this registration will receive an SNS, with the precise time when he will be vaccinated on the day and at the chosen vaccination centre.

The sending of the referred SMS is dependent on whether the user has not yet been summoned for vaccination or has not contracted COVID-19 (as long as these assumptions remain).
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Well-known member
15 May 2005
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Thanks for that. Very promising.
We're in the position that we probably have received our first jab before we leave the UK, but will want to sign up for the second one somewhere in Spain or Portugal. We are not planning on seeking residency in either of these countries as our plan is to continue moving and, if the stars align, aim for an Atlantic crossing at the end of the year.
If we have to wait in the UK until we have had both jabs, we won't get across Biscay until the Autumn which we would rather avoid.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Thanks for that. Very promising.
We're in the position that we probably have received our first jab before we leave the UK, but will want to sign up for the second one somewhere in Spain or Portugal. We are not planning on seeking residency in either of these countries as our plan is to continue moving and, if the stars align, aim for an Atlantic crossing at the end of the year.
If we have to wait in the UK until we have had both jabs, we won't get across Biscay until the Autumn which we would rather avoid.
I faced the Biscay problem. The cut off date is traditionally the time of the equinox at September 22. A few years ago when I was a waiting for an event not related to Brexit or Covid but needed my presense. I kept putting off departure a week at a time until that September 22 was getting too close. One more week will not make a difference until it was. I took a late transit of the canal system instead. That solution would be very dodgy with countries fear of Covid probably impossible with just 90 days with hardly any allowance for lockdowns on the way.

Today, setting off with only one jab will not qualify you for a vaccination passport. You run a big risk of not being allowed in anywhere for (i would guess) 24 month. Go now before vac passports are mandatory or wait for the second jab. If you go past sept 22 sail out past ushant and keep in deep water. Edward Allcard did it twice in a leaky tub in December.


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15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Thanks for that. Very promising.
We're in the position that we probably have received our first jab before we leave the UK, but will want to sign up for the second one somewhere in Spain or Portugal. We are not planning on seeking residency in either of these countries as our plan is to continue moving and, if the stars align, aim for an Atlantic crossing at the end of the year.
If we have to wait in the UK until we have had both jabs, we won't get across Biscay until the Autumn which we would rather avoid.

Doubt you can get jabs in Portugal without being resident and having Utente no. The general rule is second jab has to be given in same location as first, we looked into it before leaving as I had been given an appointment there.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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There's a web site for foreigners without a utente number to register for a vaccine>
Thousands of foreigners registered on vaccination site

Some German friends (pensioners) registered there ages ago and have not been called. The site says -

According to the minister, the pandemic reinforced the need for a public response to foreigners living in Portugal and stressed that as early as March 2020
it was determined that whoever was in an irregular situation in the country, but with a pending process with the Foreigners Service and Borders (SEF), would have their situation temporarily settled, something that was renewed in November.

Visitors arriving this year don't have a pending process.


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26 Jun 2013
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Some German friends (pensioners) registered there ages ago and have not been called. The site says -

According to the minister, the pandemic reinforced the need for a public response to foreigners living in Portugal and stressed that as early as March 2020
it was determined that whoever was in an irregular situation in the country, but with a pending process with the Foreigners Service and Borders (SEF), would have their situation temporarily settled, something that was renewed in November.

Visitors arriving this year don't have a pending process.
That was march 2020, there's no wording like that on the gov site. And no date set yet for when it will start > "In that regard, she announced that these deadlines "will soon be extended through a new order that gives more protection to immigrants who are in this situation", however, having not yet set a date. ".

But at least they're making the effort. :cool:


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22 Oct 2005
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Don't worry about the second jab , I hear amazon will be selling it soon
Hs Ha very suble humour vic. The going rate from the well off is 1000 dollars a shot for those rich family members to jump the queue. Organised crime are selling look alike batches filled with harmless cosmetic liquid. Old empty bottles are worth more rhan the genuine bottle plus vaccine. I think it was BBC that called it poetic justice on the rich.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Thanks for that. Very promising.
We're in the position that we probably have received our first jab before we leave the UK, but will want to sign up for the second one somewhere in Spain or Portugal. We are not planning on seeking residency in either of these countries as our plan is to continue moving and, if the stars align, aim for an Atlantic crossing at the end of the year.
If we have to wait in the UK until we have had both jabs, we won't get across Biscay until the Autumn which we would rather avoid.

Hi Guys,

Whilst fully understanding your plans and potential problems, my message is predominately for those having residency in Portugal. I have no idea how Spain are dealing with it but in Portugal, to get a jab you are supposed to have a Numerio de Utente (a Portuguese Health Number) and to get this you have to register using your residency document and passport.

However, there is a way around this for people in Portugal, who do not have residency.

If you are not a Portuguese resident so do not have a utente number, you can still apply for a jab, again full details and the application form are on the forum (https://servicos.min-saude.pt/covid19/v ... nao-utente).

I am not sure how Portugal would view folk coming from the vaccine rich UK to the vaccine impoverished Portugal to get a jab.

There is another potential problem, unless you are an EU citizen or Portuguese resident you will be subject to the Schengen 90/180 rule so will only be able to spend up to 90 days in the EU.

Not a problem if you get a single shot Janssen jab or 2 shot Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or Moderna vaccine jabs as the second jab is given about 4 weeks after the first.

However, if you get the AstraZeneca jabs there is a 12 weeks (84 day) gap between jabs, the 90/180 rule could cause you grief.

A more realistic solution would be to have the first jab, sail across Biscay, dump the boat and fly back to the UK for your second jab before continuing your advantage.

Could be a tad expensive and to always run the risk of another wave with associated lock down, scuppering their plans. Then there is the Covid Passport, which may become essential for international travel.

We live in interesting times. ;)
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Doubt you can get jabs in Portugal without being resident and having Utente no. The general rule is second jab has to be given in same location as first, we looked into it before leaving as I had been given an appointment there.
Hi Graham, (PMd you but for others' benefit),

I had my first AstraZenica jab on 11th April and am scheduled for the top up jab on 4 Jul at the same Centro de Saude. I had considered returning to the UK when possible to get the second jab but because of potential Covid passport issues, will sit it out in Lagos; after all the wine is cheaper!

You and I both know the Portuguese well and get by in the lingo. I would love to be a fly on the wall when a Brit without Portuguese residency, presents the special application form and requests their second jab.

On a more serious note, like you I think the special case for those who do not have a unente number is reserved for EU citizens, who were in Portugal before 31/12/20. Of course, like you, they do not have unlimited stay in Portugal and the rest of the EU.


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Well-known member
15 May 2005
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Thanks for the responses. I got quite excited by the opening post.
Just for background, 90/180 doesn't apply as I am an Irish citizen, although resident in the UK.

I suppose this early in the year it's anybody's guess as to what the picture will be come the end of the summer. Quite happy to cruise around the west coast for one more season and then see what our options are.


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26 Jun 2013
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:) :) I laugh because the only Gov Link that will still be valid next week will be the one that tells you when the clocks can be put back one hour from BST.
Disagree, the covid restrictions info from the gov has been regular and precise & safe community portugal facebook page has done a fantastic job at quickly translating postingit without adding any guesswork. This particular forum has often been the opposite, made up guesswork with no starting point in any official statement becomes reality and gets passed on, completely unhelpful. Needing a residents card to enter to country last year for example, on here it turned into gospel but had no basis in reality.


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15 Apr 2018
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A more realistic solution would be to have the first jab, sail across Biscay, dump the boat and fly back to the UK for your second jab before continuing your advantage.

Hell of an expensive way of doing it, as things stand at the moment that would need 4 tests @ £100 each plus two air fares, per person.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
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Needing a residents card to enter to country last year for example, on here it turned into gospel but had no basis in reality.

That depended on which countries had to be transited. Know of several who couldn't get back as they were refused travel through Spain because they didn't have Portuguese residence.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Disagree, the covid restrictions info from the gov has been regular and precise & safe community portugal facebook page has done a fantastic job at quickly translating postingit without adding any guesswork. This particular forum has often been the opposite, made up guesswork with no starting point in any official statement becomes reality and gets passed on, completely unhelpful. Needing a residents card to enter to country last year for example, on here it turned into gospel but had no basis in reality.
Happy to agree but with reservations, it is definitely a problem reading interptetations of Gov Web sites that cast a shadow on their meaning and therefore their usefulness. I am not aware of conditions in Portugal or Spain but in Greece just about every Gov edict ignites a parade of comments about what they mean in practical terms. An example is the e-tepai tax and how to pay it. Right now we have confusion regarding Transit Log and how and when and what type of TL we are "permitted" to pay for.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Thanks for the responses. I got quite excited by the opening post.
Just for background, 90/180 doesn't apply as I am an Irish citizen, although resident in the UK.

I suppose this early in the year it's anybody's guess as to what the picture will be come the end of the summer. Quite happy to cruise around the west coast for one more season and then see what our options are.
As you are an EU Citizen, your cunning plan could just work✅