New member
As promised.
To all those pendants out there. Is boaty the diminutive of boat. It has been worrying me for a while now as I am wary of using diminutives. I prefer to use the word children while deploring the use of words such as kiddies.
So if you can help is it
a little boaty..... or.... a bit boaty?
By the way my spellchecker does not like boaty it prefers booty do I need a new spellchecker?
To all those pendants out there. Is boaty the diminutive of boat. It has been worrying me for a while now as I am wary of using diminutives. I prefer to use the word children while deploring the use of words such as kiddies.
So if you can help is it
a little boaty..... or.... a bit boaty?
By the way my spellchecker does not like boaty it prefers booty do I need a new spellchecker?