Boats returning to there winter base marina to Sicily from Greece and else where .


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26 Jan 2004
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The President of the Sicilian Region released a new ordinance with some clarifications about people that come back to Sicily from Malta, Greece and Spain. Please, find below an extract:
Contingent and urgent ordinance n. 32 of 12 August 2020
Art. 2
(provisions for persons entering Sicily from the territories of Greece, Malta and Spain)

Non-resident or non-domiciled subjects on the island who enter Sicily from 14 August 2020 coming from the territories of Greece, Malta and Spain or who have only passed through the same territories, must:
a) register on the website, by completing the computer form provided;
b) use the connected WebApp (or downloaded for free on your mobile phone device, from the Apple Store and Android platforms, the "SiciliaSiCura" application), for the purpose of contacting the Regional Health Service (SSR) and any monitoring / assistance of one's state of health;
c) be taken over by the U.S.C.A.T. territorially competent, for the purposes referred to in art. 3 of the ordinance of the President of the Region no. 24 of 6 June 2020;
d) wear a mask in public places and open to the public and on all occasions of contact with subjects unrelated to one's family.
The Department of Prevention of the Provincial Health Authority with territorial jurisdiction evaluates the subjects referred to in paragraph 1 to an oral, rhine-pharyngeal swab or serological test, due to the evolution of the epidemiological picture in the territory of origin.
Once confirmed your arrival, please send to us the following documents:
. documentation of the entire crew / passengers and respective nationalities
. number of passengers
. provenance
You must also fill in the Maritime Declaration of Health*** (attached) and send it to us at and to the following email addresses:
This practice must be carried out before entering the port.