went to the boat today and it was covered in black soot. Came off the grp in the end but the white vinyl cushions are still black after 4 washes. I suppose its the fall out from the Fawley Fire??
Well as you don't state where your boat is based it is impossible to agree or disagree with your supposition. However, if you are based in the Hamble, from what I have seen on local TV news, there were 3 very sooty flares burning and in the recent prevailing wind direction, I would expect loads of soot to have landed on Hamble yachts.
Sorry at universal marina on the river hamble. Suggest if anyone here has a boat on the Hamble to go and give it a wash as I am sure the longer its left the harder it will be to remove it.
Have been to my boat on the Hamble this afternoon and the furled jib is streaked with black and looks very grubby wouldn't mind but its new this season....
The new boom cover I made and put on 2 weeks ago is also covered with it.... /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif
They have put a freephone number up in Moodys to ring, I'm not sure what they will do about it, I will ring them in the morning -0800 23946711
Thanks for the info Quaver - I will call them in the morning and see if they have got someone to clean all the boats that they have covered in soot!!!!
The correct number (as far as I know) is 0800 294 6711. We have also been given the name Carol Dunford on 02380 896799 as a useful contact. I think she is part of the Esso public affairs department. Good luck! I haven't had a good look at my boat yet (jusy south of Mercury), but I am told that the problem has only really affected boats in Mercury and upstream from there.
We have this problem at Deacons and although the decks seemed to clean fairly easily the streaks on the hull are not coming off. Tried brushes and sponge with shampoo to little effect then resorted to Starbrite hull cleaner which has removed 80% but left both a trace of the original streaks and a white chalky deposite. Anyone found a better product? I ran out of time to buy anything different or indead finish what I had started.
Esso Fawley will either pay to have your boat cleaned or guve you £125 to clean it yourself. Call 07824814766 as this goes direct to the person who answers the help line. Hope this helps
I contacted them yesterday and it seems I'm the only person to of complained about streaks on my furled jib??? Looks like it rained after the soot and ran down inside the furled sail.
Can this be true? Has anyone else checked their sails? The boat is on Bursledon bend...
I haven't had a good look at my boat yet (jusy south of Mercury), but I am told that the problem has only really affected boats in Mercury and upstream from there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dont speak too loudly or MDL will consider it a good enough reason to further increase the prices at Hamble Point and Port Hamble!
It won't be too bad. I'm up at Deacons and the grub came off the deck easily enough with a bit of Flash. The hull stains are probably hidden by the dark blue gel coat.
I used to have a boat in Badnam Creek (part of Mercury) from 1980 to 1986. It was always getting covered in black stuff. They said "Oh that'll be Fawley"! and we put up with it.