I have just had installed by volvo dealers 2 second hand volvoAD41bs in my princess 286, all tested and serviced,
But I was getting an unaceptable amount of black smoke from the starboard engine. Went out with volvo fitter who said it could need new injectors, so OK would you fit them please, just in the one engine, result £500 later and although a little better, my boat is still covered in soot after I have been out in her. The dealer does not seem to be very helpful, apart from telling me if the engines are pulling the boat, which they are very well, it cannot be an internal problem, what he means by that, apart from the way I drive it, I do not know.I would welcome any advice, as to what I can do to cure the problem.
But I was getting an unaceptable amount of black smoke from the starboard engine. Went out with volvo fitter who said it could need new injectors, so OK would you fit them please, just in the one engine, result £500 later and although a little better, my boat is still covered in soot after I have been out in her. The dealer does not seem to be very helpful, apart from telling me if the engines are pulling the boat, which they are very well, it cannot be an internal problem, what he means by that, apart from the way I drive it, I do not know.I would welcome any advice, as to what I can do to cure the problem.