meteofrance says it'll be more than 20knots now, then more than 30 knots from north and west gusting over 50 knots and keeps going mostly till at least monday.
Hi Clive -
16.00 21-20 mph from north 80% cloud
18.0 21-22 mph from north 76% cloud
20.00 23-18 mph from north 76% cloud
22.00 24-19 mph from north 75% cloud
24.00 21-21 mph from north 80% cloud
02.00 19-20 mph from n-ne 100% cloud
04.00 18-17 mph from n-ne 95% cloud
06.00 19-17 mph from n-ne 90 % cloud
08.00 19-17 mph from n-ne 80% cloud
10.00 17-16 mph from n-ne 65% cloud
12.00 15-14 mph from n-ne 30% cloud
14.00 15-14 mph from ne 24% cloud
This I pulled off from Moving Weather just now - Safe Sailing
See ya
Hi, Jim (HWMBO) has crossed the bay yesterday to beat the weather coming over the next day or so as it looked to be building from today onwards. seemed to give an accurate forcast of what he experienced on his crossing.