Bill is geting Desperate can anybody help?



Tried that. Got a special tee-shirt for trying it three times.

There is a problem, it says.

If I enter my name and password, it does not recognise my password.
If I enter my name and only and ask for a new password, it sais it does not
recognise my e-mail address.
If I try a new name and e-mail, it says I already have an entry for that
e-mail account.
It will not reply to e-mails at all, not even to say good bye, and not
those addresed to Karl personally.
So far as I can see the site has been screwed.

Anyway thanx for suggestion, and Happy Christmas. We are doing OK in spite
of being iced in with air temp last night -11.

Bill Cooper



New member
25 Nov 2001
J.H.B South Africa
Visit site
I had a similar problem that I could not post or log onto the "forums"
I chose the drastic option, I e-mailed Kim and asked him to delete all my particulars from his server,
I then deleted everything out of the "cookies" folder in my hard drive and simply loged on as a new user
It worked for me as I now post with no problems, I hope this helps Bill.

All the seasons greatings to you



Bloody Cold

And might present keeper says if it was even colder where he now lives in but at least he's got central heating I'm just stuck out in the yard with a just a thin coat over me!!



Re: internet options

I had this last week ,and it is very frustrating .
Try going into
internet options
then click on the programs tab, at the top ,second from the right
then look for
reset we settings
check if you want to keep your home page the same
click the rest tab

You see it could be your security settings are screwed up ,this happened to me when I updated on the Windows Me update site


New member
16 May 2001
Visit site
No more suggestions, but I'm sure we'll all be as pleased to see Bill back on board as he will be to get reconnected. Best wishes to Bill and everyone else for an excellent Christmas and New Year.

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
Visit site
Hi Bill HOpe you can get on i posted for 2 years as Bob t when i got back from spending the summer sailing it took me nealy a month trying to get back on to this forum but I had to change my name . It is not quite as good as it was ,quite a few of the old hands have disapeared The only thing that hasent changed is that I still cannot spell All the best to all and a happy NY bob t

Bob T


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Security settings

This is the nub of the problem for many of the increasing number of e-mails we are getting at the moment (and the reason it is taking us so long to get through them on reduced staffing over Christmas).

Please note that cookies need to be enabled for successful log in and they may become disabled if you update operating system/browser version.

There is no log in option with cookies disabled.

Bill will get mail from us about this within the next couple of days.

Incidentally, whilst I regret anyonme having problems the forums are now being used by more people than ever before, so the system is inherently okay. Like everything else, it can be improved and we do make a note of all complaints.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Site is not screwed, am pleased to say. Bill has got an admittedly delayed personal reply to his e-mail request confirming that his ID is still there, ditto password. Have reissued a password and tested the ID - everything is okay at our end and has been since first registration. Will look forward to seeing him back.

A few topical reminders for anyone reading this thread:

1) cookies have to be enabled on your browser for you to successfully log into the forums. IE6 turns them off by default and we have had a lot of enquiries from people upgrading who don't realise this is the case with Microsoft's latest browser;

2) the username and password are case sensitive; also please note that underscores (_) are permitted but hyphens (-) do not work. Username and password need to be entered in the log in section - if you are not registered you need to enter proposed username and e-mail address in the new user section;

3) if you are waiting for a password it is likely you made a mistake when entering your e-mail address; please contact me at and I'll check for you. Auto e-mail passwords are usually issued within 10 minutes of first registration;

4) you can change your password at any stage to one of your choosing by entering <user options> from the top navigation bar and then select <personal information>. When you have changed the password (twice), don't forget to click <submit> at the bottom of the page.


Re: Security settings

Whoopee! or is it Whoops!
Thanks to Kim, I have made it.
It seems to be more difficult than ever to keep up with computer technique changes. Back in the fifties I could program in Cobol and it made one feel very superior. Now I feel like a backward pupil in the infants class.
I don't want to have to becme a fully fledged nerd to be able to send an e-mail.
I don't want to have to learn another language to add to French, Greek, Italian etc.
Still it's nice to be with you all again.
Will it bore you if I give an up-date?
Yes? Tough. Here goes.
We were on our way to Greece via the Fr canals. Stupid old (thing) that I am, I berthed alongside a big house-boat peniche to take on water. This had been converted by a BBC make-ovr team of so-called slebs or something like that. It (I cannot call it a she) had black painted decks and black glass flush skylights. Guess what!
I put my foot in it again.
Feet up in our verandah (such a nicer word than cockpit) Holding on to a glass of calvados to ease the pain while a pretty young lady doctor stitched up the damage to my shin, and I made stupid jokes to cover my embarrassment.
Shins are s,low to heel, and this was very slow. We decided to postpone Greece and are spending the winter at St Jean-de-Losne on the R. Saone. All mod con, electricity, 2 phone lines, water, and a car space within spitting distance for a price of 4 pounds per metre per annum.
Anyway we will be at Boat Show on Thursday (with Adlard Coles) and possibly Friday, and would be delighted to meet old friends.
French medicine really is first class, even if all the doctors have just gone on strike (seriously on strike) for more pay. The governemtn has solved the problem by calling them up for compulsory service. Liberte, egalite and fraternite, but not for you mate.
Happy New Year, everybody.

William Cooper