Bilge Cleaners



Any suggestions on an enviromentally acceptable bilge cleaner other than high priced proprietary products? The USA sight recommends liquid Tide because it is biodegradable, non-sudsing and contains no phosphates. What is the UK equivalent? What about biological liquid detergents (containing enzymes) - a good or bad thing for the bilge.
I haven't a bilge problem, but my long keel boat (GRP) with deep bilge is 5 yrs old and I feel it is time to do a little housekeeping in that area. Being a bit of a penny-pincher, I wondered if there is a practical alternative. Many thanks, Edward


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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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You could do worse than try Ecover washing up liquid. Environmentally friendly. But even so, don't pump it out in a marina.

Put a few buckets of soapy fresh water in the bilge and sail around for an hour or two so it slops in to all those parts which normal beers don't reach. Then pump it out while sailing so it gets dispersed more quickly. I've followed this routine in my 28' long keel deep bilger which had accumulated an unattractive pong during previous ownership - a mixture of oil, diesel and rotting eggs. Finally, after half of last season and half of this things smell sweet, and I keep up the bilge treatment on every other sail.


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30 May 2001
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Try Bilgex, costs about £8 per litre from chandlers £5 from Yrago Mills. It will last you years and is excellent!


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16 May 2001
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Re: Bilgex

I agree with Longjohnsilvers posting This is one of the few things that really work. It is not the usual marine rip off as you will require to dilute it about 10/1 or more with water to use it. Paint it well in, on engines,pipes,soundproofing and the bilge then wash it off with water. It leaves a sweet smell and a container will last for years. Well diluted it makes short work of oil on hands ( dont know how safe it is on your skin longterm however)


Having had to replace various fittings in boats I have met with some awful gunk in the bilges.
I have used washing up liquid mixed with 'ajax' to give it scouring capability etc.
But best of the normal washing up liquids is TEEPOL, which can be used with seawater ..... yep thats right seawater, and its really the base product for many a washing up liquid !
For those really hard stains, such as leaked Castor Oil, there is nothing to beat Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner sprayed on and then wiped away a few minutes later after its stopped foaming. But you should wash it well off after with fresh water.

So for normal bilge job, use Bilgex / Washing Up Liquid / Ajax ... whatever takes yer fancy....
BUT for that real job ...... its Spray-On Oven Cleaner .... leaves the surface ready to paint / resin etc.