Big ship MAN Diesel Turbo bodging whilst naked in Biscay


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Background: One of these MAN 1200hp diesels is leaking oil and is causing me concern such that I am considering bodging it with sikaflex or perhaps silicioe sealant, but am a bit wary as we usually do our boating naked and are unsure of the dangers of the various chemicals, or whether perhaps if we take the offshore route in the deeper water across biscay the dangers might be lessened in calmer water. I can't imagine larger merchant vessels have the same problem but i'm not sure - it certainly seemed to be okay a 1931 Buchanan sloop but off course that was a much small lump.

My question is - althou this is definitely NOT a s'butt question - will Kim move this to the mobochat forum, the PBO forum, the olde boats classic, liveaboarding seeing it's bit about biscay, the lounge since it's a bit rude or "siberia" - the shipping forum? Or maybe he'll not move it at all since sbutt is getting bit boring, really...

Not easy, eh?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re:naked in the Engine room???

Id worry more about dangly bits getting caught on something.

Watch out for the drive belts,ouch...... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif