New member
We wintered our Westerly Seahawk in Alghero and flew out two weeks ago to sail her to Cannes to be lifted out and trucked back to the UK to sell (we have just bought a Jeanneau 43DS). Without our knowledge or consent Fabrizio at Marina Aquatica in Alghero moved the boat across the bay to Fertilia as he said he needed the space, adding that she motored very slowly and probably required a lift out and scrub before we left for France. He said he would arrange it at a favourable cost with Cesare who owns Fertilia boatyard and the only crane in the area. Between them they stitched me up proper! The boat was lifted and held in the sling and we were lent a pressure washer to to the job ourselves before being put back in the water. The price - 650 euros. The Mafia is alive and well!