Best route Portofino to South Majorca


Well-known member
25 Nov 2004
fareham hampshire
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I am in the early stages of planning a trip at the end of June from Portofino to south east Majorca. 55ft motorboat cruise at 24knots range 350m 9knots 500m.
I am advised that Gulf of Lyon has reputation for being rough although the trip along the French coast has its attractions.
Has anyone reading the forum Knowledge of route/good harbours/ fuel down either side of Corsica, crossing through the straits then down the west coast of Sardinia and then across via Mahon Menorca.
I am aware that Portofino to Mahon is in range but dont want to travel at night or run engines continous for such a long period
Input would be appreciated


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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i have done the run except the portofino bit. Sardinia a bit pointless for your delivery trip imho - it's further to mahon. Not been anyway and my target was majorca too.

From ajaccio in corsica to mahon is 235 miles, a long drone in a day, but good forecast/marinas at both ends you can call/internet for help. Ajaccio is big and protected, deepwater port for stepping off, and mahon is natural and even bigger. All the other legs of your trip are shorter. Go to corsica, and from calvi around NE coast stay inshore cos nice scenery to ajaccio (which is a bit so-so, but some like to tramp around napoleon's house which is er just a house) then mahon 235 as above when weather ok, then palma another 85 miles. We set off crack of dawn 4:30-5am ish, doable in time for dinner at mahon.

No prob fuel at ajaccio. You can order fuel in a tanker, or go to the fuel dock. The fuel tank delivered to the quayside actually costs more though, dammit. Or it did from BP.

On corsica, Calvi has anchorage sheltered from west and south, with fairly tossy marina and it can blow for a few days in summer from west - mistral again. St florent is another nice anchorage, bit better really tho smaller town perhaps a good first stop on corsica, with marina pretty much sheltered all sides cept due north (unlikely direction), and fine for up to at least 76 feet probly more. Or you can just be a cheap git an anchor outside.

Mahon loads of space, stern-to of course as are all of these. Sometimes (once, for us) a brit credit card didn't work for fuel and neither did any card - so consider taking some cash praps. After mahon at majorca, stop off at es trenc right at the se corner of majorca for a nice anchorage and swim in blue water.

at majorca unles already sorted, book a blimmin place/berth asap in majorca - and forget portals unles you buy a berth. Royal club nautico has a pool. Arenal marina on other side of palma bay is ace marina clubhouse with pool and club but the town is a total dump yards outsdie the marina gate. oops - just remebered it's a failine innit, probly on yer way to peters in cala d'or. Call ahead for nowcasts, and give my regards to smily charles keily...


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: oh and fr coast

you can go around the french coast, and then step off south from say Ile de porquerolles to Mahon about er 205nmiles but are closer to mistral-prone golfe de lion and must not chance it in iffy weather - which can actually be a bright blue sky and no wind, but a full gale develops in 15 minutes, acording to the pilot may or may not be shorter to go st florent, ajaccio, mahon and likely less flaky weather. Otherwise 130 miles to antibes, then er some hoping and praying might get a space along the coast, or anchor in Cannes bay, then 50ish miles to porquerolles.


Well-known member
25 Nov 2004
fareham hampshire
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Re: oh and fr coast

Thankyou for your response a great deal of first hand knowledge.
Have you been through the straits of bonifacio.
Its not a Failine as you call it.
Had not thought about crossing from the Porquerolles, Is there fuel in Hyeres


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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med worrying

apologies for saying failline - slip of fingers. I thort you were er stuart, someone else, i was mistaken...

anyway a diesel boat yes? - there's fuel everywhere along the coast! There's lots fuel in Porquerolles too, on the island. The french coast is the european centre of boating. Tons better than anywhere in the uk. There's shorepower up to 100amps if you can use it, restaurants that will serve dinner on board, and sometimes carpets on the pontoons. It is far far better sorted than any uk marina. But corsica will sell fuel too, of course - pretty sure st florent and calvi as well but not used any.

Nope, I have not been thru straits of bonifacio: unless you want to visit, i wd not go that way - from the forecasts, these seem a bit windier than elsewherey praps with the squeeze bettween biggish high landmasses of corsica and sardinia.