Being a Travel Agent for your Charter......

26 Apr 2010
the Cold North
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Its that time of year again - I am trying to plan a charter or two for the coming year. The one later in the year is relatively straight forward I think but the first one is for SWMBO and I and another couple.

Obviously everyone enjoyed it last time, but I am the only one 'really keen' to press on and book - and have the responsibility of booking it and making it all just 100% to ensure repeat custom !

trying to piece it all together to ensure :
1) Right Boat (the ladies don't slum it, in fact after our first charter in Antigua believe that all boats come with Gensets and Aircon - for drying the hair and cooling the boat down in the process) :rolleyes:
B) Right dates - two couples, two fellas work away a lot = busy calenders. (and 'he' will not be at all flexible in the dates :mad: )
III) Right Location - world. oyster. Antigua they got battered and we found it pretty 'anti-social' on the shore. Turkey I have done the reckie (spl?) and know enough of the area and conditions.
4) Right Flights - localish airport obviously favourite and we are in the North - to fly on dates that Charter companies can match, arriving at vaguely daytime hours, and departing to still have a day at the end of the hols.
six ) last but not least..... The Right Bloody Price !!! To non boaties this is important. To me, if items one to five above are workable, six is a mild inconvenience !!

The Quest continues.
Just thought I would take a break from pounding the Charter firm sites to share with you all !


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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Hi, check out Menorca Cruising School,based in Mahon. They also charter-four of us have just returned from a weeks modest charter on a Gibsea 33. Very reasonable cost off season,splendid cruising area and extremly flexible and helpful to deal with. Usual disclaimers.They have larger boats than the one we took-check out their website. Flights with Monarch about £100.00 return low season if you book early.
26 Apr 2010
the Cold North
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well after grafting (beautifully IMHO) a scripted email with URL hotlinks to boats, Marina's, Hotels and Taverna's etc, I hear tonight the other couple are bowing out.

Wasted money on a new kitchen for their home, I mean I tell ya's, Kitchen vs. A Sailing Hols on a 43 in Turkey..... Madness. Madness.