Not having been to a boat jumble before, is the Beaulieu boat jumble worth a visit? Are we likely to find good second hand hardware or just bits and bobs?
I guess that depends on your definition of bibs and bobs. It has a hih reputation for being able to supply all sorts of gear, even stuff that looks very similar to that which was knicked from your boat last month /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif(Joke not serious)
I bought a load of stuff from beaulieu, it's worth a visit just to have a look around, you can find all kinds of stuff there, I bought all my winches there, very cheap.
Beaulieu is much bigger than other jumbles so more choice of stuff.
it can be a pain queueing to get in and it's a long walk to the car park with heavy purchases. i can never see my 6 jumbo size fenders without remembering hauling them 1/2 mile uphill.
Beaulieu organisers provide a lift back to the car park service in the back of hire trucks/vans.
The first year we went there with nothing in mind to buy. Came back with a folding tender and enough running rigging fittings to completely run all lines back to the cockpit. spent a fortune, but saved a fortune to.
The second year we went with a long list and came back with a pen knife!
Thats Beaulieu, worth one visit just for the experience, some people go year after year and never finish refitting their boat, but that's boating, whatever floats your boat so to speak!
so i guess it's not the type of place to stroll around with the pushchair then? I may have to be let loose and take the shopping list on my own. The question is, is it worth shopping without the better half??
Thanks guys for all responses, I’m quite looking forward to the day.
Here are some tips from a Beallieu veteran of at least 15 years
Take a very large holdall or rucksack and some cord to tie things together; buy entry tickets in advance, there is always a long queue to buy on the day; take lunch and drinks because its a full day to get around and on-site catering is as bad as you would expect. Take more cash than you think you will need. Haggle hard. Look under the stalls, often the best bargains are not on display and can be got for pennies.
Get in the right hand lane in the approach road as you enter Beaulieu estate, the two lanes of traffic split and parking is closer to the jumble from the right lane.
Check out the bottom fields first, they are less crowded in the morning.
If you go back to the car to offload some purchases, you can often move it to a parking place much closer to the gate and save time later.
Prices fall after about 2pm, but if you see something you want buy it then, either you will never fined the stall again or it will be sold when you go back.
Admission includes visit to the motor museum so if you take the family, you can lose them there and meet up later
Take a friend to carry the bag