Have any of you Bavaria owners out there had problems with you rudder becoming very stiff and difficult to turn. I am especially interested in the Bav 36 or other models with similar rudders. What were the solutions?
Get under the back - in a stern cabin, swing the chrome catches and remove the back panel. You will see a big black quadrant attached to the rudder stock. Around this are entwined the ends of the multi-strand steel steering cable. At each end of this are a threaded tensioner. remove one of these completely, noting how the various screws, washers and spacers go so as to re-assemble them correctly. Once the cable is slack, go back up-top and fit the emergency tiller. Move it back and forth and if the rudder still feels stiff then rudder bearings or a bent (unlikely) or adistorted stock are you problem.
Now try the wheel, which is now disconnected from it's "load". If this is still stiff then your problem lies with it and it's bearings, cable pulleys or the (vulnerable to seizing) bowden cables which transmit the motion from the wheel to the quadrant.
My bet would be inadequately lubricated, and therefore possibly seized, bowden cables.