I have used something similar for two years now.
Mine runs off 4x AA batteries.
I was very dubious about battery life claims so tested by leaving it on down below in chart table drawer for two days, before using it in anger.
It seemed fine.
I hoist mine in the foretriangle from a spare halyard with a base line made off onto a deck cleat.
It is much more effective than the standard masthead jobs used on other boats in the anchorage.
Mine cost about $25. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Quite... The Triton one draws 0.09A from 12V, so ~1.1W. At 1.5V you'd need to draw 0.73A to get 1.1W. 60 hours running would require a 44Ah battery. A Duracell R20 will give you just over 6Ah at best before it drops below 1V if you're drawing 1W.
I agree up to a point. I think 1x 1.5v is optomistic to get the required two mile range, and also the hours they advertise.
My light has 4x AA (1.5v) batteries and I would look to replace the batteries after every 48 hours of use.
The batteries have enough power left in them to be of use in the the boats small torches that I keep at each bunk.
However, you are not comparing like with like.
The Triton marine light is a cluster of 9 leds with, from what I can see, no other optics to assist the light.
My own lamp is a single LED inside an optically enhancing reflector and diffuser and certainly outshines the normal type of 12v masthead anchor lights seen on a large number of cruising boats.
It easily meets the 2 mile visibility requirement.
Afterall, Nab Tower only has a 10 and a half watt bulb.