New member
Yesterday the masthead wind sensor was fitted and the mast restepped. Sadly I wasn't there at the time.
Having plugged the connections back together at the foot of the mast, the NetworkWind display is not showing any information. There's a code of F0 in the LCD display and the analogue pointer is pointing to the 12 o'clock position.
I've emailed support to query what F0 means and this afternoon will hopefully be checking the wiring to the foot of the mast and testing the masthead unit as best I can (I have the guide from B&G website).
Any thoughts?
Having plugged the connections back together at the foot of the mast, the NetworkWind display is not showing any information. There's a code of F0 in the LCD display and the analogue pointer is pointing to the 12 o'clock position.
I've emailed support to query what F0 means and this afternoon will hopefully be checking the wiring to the foot of the mast and testing the masthead unit as best I can (I have the guide from B&G website).
Any thoughts?