Ask the Team .... difficult decision to make ....



As some know I visit UK only a few times a year - and when I do on short notice - race to get on boat and cast off for a few days ... no hassle, no arguments .... just on, start and go.
Obviously because of circumstances I choose to have the boat marina berthed .... even if she does fill up with water - its alongside and easily salvageable ! Well thats my excuse.

I have been asked by the marina to consider a dry-berth alternative - as they put it - "Substantial saving, able to work on boat at any time and we give you maybe 6 lifts per year based on your visits to UK ... thats 3 out / 3 in .... just give us a call before you arrive UK and we'll put her in for you ...."

So I say - great - what's fee proposal then .... 2 months later I am offered 50 quid a year saving and 2 lift in / outs a year ...

So ask the team ... what would you do ?

If I leave her in .... I would have to pay extra to lift out / in - which I only do once every 3 years anyway ... I have boat available at any time I visit without having to wait lift in. But I can't do any under-hull work or maintenance with out paying for a lift ....

If I lift her out then I get inclusive lift in / out and able to work on her, but run risk of being blocked in and unable to use baot when I want .... and only save 50 quid .....

So go on .... give me your thoughts ... it's a tricky one for me ...



1 Oct 2002
£50 saving for dry sailing when they will be able to rent your berth to someone else does not sound like a fair allocation of the benefits to me - unless your annual fees are circa £200, in which case pls PM the location of this haven.

I'd be inclined to query whether there's a typo - e.g. a nought missed off!


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Sounds OK Nigel but all you need is to turn up to find they didn't drop her in after all.

A pal of mine had his boat out there and it got burried in the corner behind all the other boats, that didn't get lifted in on time.

I can just see you hoping up and down on a Saturday morning looking at Superanne on the gravel! For 50 quid saving I'd leave it as it is!

How about Dolphin Quay in Emsworth?



50 quid loss ..... 2000 quid gain

My thoughts ... I get minimum discount - but hassle if she's stuck behind other boats ....

Nice for them - they get another boat in and berth fees far outweigh any discount offered to me.

I have asked for a revision and better offer ................. I have to say that the lift in / out does interest me though - as I do need to get some work done under her .... fit speed log, remove offset on rudder made by previous owner, replace dead-wood at shaft exit ... but to be honest there's nothing pressing to have her out for ....

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..... let's see what they say ...

Ian - Dolphin Quay - don't know them .... e-mail me anthing you know - would appreciate info. Must admit - I have been thinking about going back to a club to cut my costs ..... but then I lose the pontoon !!!!
Before anyone asks - she is still bound for Baltic - but delayed till 2006 at least .....


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20 Mar 2005
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Draught up an agreement, get it witnessed and signed.
State your travelling efforts and the importance of the boat being ready - what would you accept as a consolation if you arrived and it wasnt - be reasonable and realistic, throw a clause in there that you will notify them at least x hours/ days prior ( hoist staff are not allways there' tho as we all know) and see what happens, will they commit to it readily?
if no then soddem, think of the increased risk of damage getting the boat ashore/afloat each time anyway, and that unnatural stress on the boat in the slings.
just a thought but 50 quid aint a whole bunch now is it?
A reasonable evening for you and yours or a tin of a/f.
My boats small and light , wouldnt bother me, but hows yours?
your call 'tho


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Re: 50 quid loss ..... 2000 quid gain

Dolphin Quay is behind the Lord Raglan Pub in Emsworth bottom of Queen Street. A drying creek, with a fresh water wash twice a day so even less antifouling. There is a concrete slip you can use for the under the water line work(s) and a few sleepers at the top of the creek. The pontoons are on piles, fixed so they don't go up and down. (Must confess to jumping for the boat at LW and missing, eh hem landed ar5e first in 6 inches of black emsworth mud)

Used to be owned by a guy called David Steel, and his Wife Jenny, I'll look up his number. Both Etap_owner and me lived there for a few years. Steven - jump in if you have his no.



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17 Dec 2004
Buckland Monachorum
Find someone who wants to sail the boat who can get to her every few weeks to check her over, do routine maintenance etc....and maybe take her out sometimes.

She'll then be ready to go, and you'll be kept informed of any things that need looking at.

A used boat is a happy boat. I do this for friends boats and enjoy the work, as I dont currently have a boat of my own....



If I could find someone interested...

IF I could find someone interested to share the costs and look after her ........ basically no need to buy into shares on her - then I would be very interested. I totally agree that a used boat is a happy boat .... I don't like leaving her so long between checks etc. Also anothers ideas as long as we can agree on what is done - is advantage .... I don't know all the answers and we all still are learning ....

So there you are .... 25ft motor sailer, 1975 vintage, Perkins 4107 engine ... good 4 berth, 5 if you clear the crap out of the trotter berth under cockpit ! Oven, Hob, grill .. Blake wc .... etc. etc.
Berthed in Solent ..... Please I do not want to advertise actual location ............ if you are interested ....... then its PM me to discuss it all .....

Anyway - back to the nitty - of course if I was to agree to the massive 50 quid saving - then I would insist on agreement in writing ..... but knowing them its a hand-shake, well we are trying to help you nige .....


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1 Jan 2002
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Re: If I could find someone interested...

Lift in and out is the most accident prone period in the boating year. The idea of increasing the frequency for minimum benefit to you seems silly. How big a lump do they need to knock off the gel coat or strain the rigging or strain the drive shaft before it costs you fifty quid? Even the most careful crew will make mistakes, and you don't get to vet who they employ to go it!


Lift in / out ....

As I work abroad and normally have to telephone / fax for lift in etc. - this matter is already a factor I have to live with .... the risk of lift without me there.

In fact as some know I suffered loss of engine because my boat was launched half full of water one season ... marina guys do not open a boat to check - they receive instructions from boss to lift launch and set a boat. This they do without ever opening one up, assuming that owner has readied boat - in fact it is owners responsibility to ensure boat is ready. So my boat was lifted by the tractor based hydraulic arm lifter .... placed in water and workboat put alongside to motor her to berth. I arrive in Uk and find boat half full of water ........ I go to the office ... they inform me that the workguys commented that the boat wallowed a bit when moving her .... I and my wife pumped cleaned and worked hard to restore the boat and she is reasonable again ... but the engine must have got some water in 'cause a week or so later it round to a complete seized halt. The marina then helped me source a replacement .... engine price was very low .... so I assume they felt guilty ... even though I had no leg to stand on to claim .... as I was not there to check.
It is now a topic raised that they have said if I agree - it will not happen again - as they will check for me that she is dry before lift etc.

Come on then = I'm warm to this idea of a helper who can use the boat in return .... !!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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I wouldn't call that a decision. A £50 saving against all the risks of the boat not being available seems very poor bargain.