Anyone know if my converter will charge...



I plan to use my boat through the winter this year and wanted to leave my batteries on charge.

I put the shore power on, put the converter on but switched the battery isolator to off.

Does anyone know if this will charge the batteries or do I need to switch the isolator to both?

Any advice much appreciated.


Andy Coggin.


Just check it yourself with a voltmeter. You have got a voltmeter haven't you? If not the digital multimeters are only about a tenner or so from places like Argos and well worth having for checking things like fuses etc.

On the 20VDC range, check voltage at battery with shorepower switched off, It should be around 12Volts. Then switch shorepower on and check again. If the voltage is the same, then it's not working, if around 14V then the charging system's working.


By coverter I assume you mean a Battery Charger.. Take care automotive type battery chargers can & will cook your batteries if you leave them permanently plugged in and connected. Ensure your charger is a three stage type which will float your batteries at about 13.2 volts when they are fully charged.

Get yourself a digital multimeter and check voltages without plugging in to shore power. Plug into the shore supply and check battery voltages with your charger on and test the various switch positions.Voltages should rise to 14.2 to 14.4 volts for lead acid batteries. After a time the charger should switch down the voltages and go on to float.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Re: Thanks for your replies.

Beware ordinary small battery chargers - they will definitely damage your expensive batteries if left permanently connected for more than a day or two.

Assuming you live in UK, go down to your local Argos Catologue store, and get one of their Gunsons Automatic chargers for around £20. These have a permanet float charge setting, and can be safely left connected. The only alternative is a float charger with full electronic control, usually costing well into 3 figures.


One of the best panels for this sort of use is based on the Caravan ZIG Panel ..... they are expensive, but have all the combinations you need ..... 240V in, 12V out, float charging, alternator supply etc. etc.

They can be left charging away for long periods. BUt even with these, I used to knock 'em off at regular intervals .... I may be wrong, but I don't like to push batterys continuously regardless of the system.

Another way, which I do with my latest boat ---- can't afford the ZIG panel ! I use a time switch ..... So this plugs into the mains outlet, the charger goes into that and then set it for a top-up charge for a few hours once a week or whatever ..... lot cheaper than expensive chargers / systems etc. AND I connect my charger direct to the batttery, removing the 'isolator switch' question ...... SHOCK - HORROR some may say !!!! It works !


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
Charger timer

I have lived in Holland for 6 years now but still have a house in UK. In the garage lies my faithful old VW camper, 1982 vintage. The battery is on a charger that comes on for 3 hours every Thursday morning. Sometimes it is a year between visits home but the engine starts first turn every time. I'm not sure of the battery's age but it must be at least 10 years now.


Re: Charger timer

I'm happy that someone else cotton on to this - I always thought I was alone doing this !!!!

I have considered all sorts of alternative methods and seem to go back to this cheap and cheerrful method that works !

I suppose that it can be refined to have a plug and socket via breaker etc. and also switchable on auto for more than one battery ..... etc. etc. Now thats a thought ... can anyone design a simple 'diode?' circuit to have the charger supply both batterys simultaneously and the charger be plugged into a timer switch !!!!??????