Yes, I have one. Its heavy for the HP (17 kilos for 2.5hp !), so your arm aches if you have to carry it. But its very well made, pumps water hard, and is ok on noise. Don't pay more than £399 for a new one (altho the retail is over £450, there are plenty of dealers who should offer it at £399).
Based on Jimminy's prices for the engine then I'd say that was a pretty good deal. The YAM inflatable's I've looked at at the Boat Show seem well made.
I use mine with a 2.4m Valiant and although I feel it could do with more power, in reality it potters along quite well.
Its a good point that you made about the small additional cost for a 4hp, think about it, if your inboard engine packed up, yes OK you can sail, but you may well need the engine to get you home safely. Ask yourself the question, would a 2.5hp do the job, or is the 4hp a better investment.
if your inboard engine packed up, yes OK you can sail, but you may well need the engine to get you home safely. Ask yourself the question, would a 2.5hp do the job, or is the 4hp a better investment.
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Valid point but given the fact that the inboard engine of my new (old) boat is 28 HP, my guess is that either a 2.5 or a 4 HP will hardly do the job of pushing 4900kg. Also I will propably run out of petrol in no-time. I prefer the lesser weight because of that.
We use a 4hp Yamaha on our tender and can maintain steerage on our 41 footer with it. Can make about 2 knots in calm water. The 4 will take an external tank so may well be a "get you home option" for you.
My aged Johnson 4hp (3.3 hp in new money) will easily make 2.5 - 3 knots when strapped alongside my Fumar, weight 6 Tonnes + with all my wifes shoes on board!
If lightness is a consideration, you can get a Tohatsu 3.5 for around £350. It weighs in at 13kg. It also pushes Jissel along in an emergency better than the old MD1 used to!
The thing with Tohatsu, although I'm convinced it's a good outboard, it's still 2-stroke. I don't like 2 stroke. Although easy on maintenaince, they are smelly. Most are also quite noisy especially after a few years. Apart from the Honda 2.3 this (YAM 2.5) is the most lightweight around. Some fellow forumites told me the Honda is fairly noisy and I've got a nice deal on this set.
Hi Arno
hows the Church Tr & the "Damn" bells.
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They are in good working order as I can closey witness every Sunday /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
The are doing some restorations to the 'Grote Kerk' currently, but I'm not sure what they are up to.
Any plans to visit Dordrecht again?
If all goes well we'll be visiting the southcoast of the UK this summer with our soon to be new (old) boat. The plan is up and down to the Scillies
Apart from the Honda 2.3 this (YAM 2.5) is the most lightweight around. Some fellow forumites told me the Honda is fairly noisy
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Sailing Today has done a fairly scientific hands-on review of smallboards published this month.
The Honda 2.3 generated more decibels than some 4-strokes and the Yam 2.5 the lowest of the whole group. The reviewer did not like 4-strokes but even so his words have not dissuaded me from my plan to buy the Yamaha.