I'm a recovering boat owner. We had a steel 38 footer and the scars are still healing from the incredible financial and emotional trauma! (just kidding) Any way I'm thinking another boat would be pretty good but we have learnt some lessons. I want to be able to bring it home on a trailer (using a truck to pull it probably). I also want to be a ble to resell it if necessary. So does anyone have any recommendations on a bring-homeable seaworthy fibreglass boat? Also be nice if it was pretty /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I'm a recovering boat owner. We had a steel 38 footer and the scars are still healing from the incredible financial and emotional trauma! (just kidding) Any way I'm thinking another boat would be pretty good but we have learnt some lessons. I want to be able to bring it home on a trailer (using a truck to pull it probably). I also want to be a ble to resell it if necessary. So does anyone have any recommendations on a bring-homeable seaworthy fibreglass boat? Also be nice if it was pretty /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif