Another sealine 365 electrical question


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3 Dec 2011
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Thanks for the suggestions re previous post about electric heads on otium.

While scoping out options I found that the anchor winch isn't working. I have yet to do anything with the new head so pretty sure I haven't loosed things up.

Anyway, the solenoid works.. I get good loud clicks when I activate it, but no winch.

Given the locker has chain in it and I am 6'5" and don't fold up too well I squeezed into the space with a multimeter and made some checks.

I got zero across the two big bolts which I assume carry the main supply. I got 12.6 across the solenoid when active, so then using what I think is the solenoid negative I started touching the other probe to everything else.

Not a flicker. From the heavy cables.

Makes me think it's a supply issue - fuse or breaker, but I have no dea where that is. Nothing on the panel above the entertainment centre. There is a lone 20 amp fuse fitted above the panel, but that's too small surely, and it's intact anyway.

Nothing on the instrument panel looks anchor win hy, other than the controls..

So anyone suggest where the fuse or breaker might be? It looks like a factory install 1989 model.

I knew electrics would be the challenge on this ne!


Update. Found the breaker in the fuel shutoff panel. Woohoooo

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