Active member
Well my fellow forumites I wish I could bottle this moment.
! I got out of bed with a spring in my step today- which is not all normal at all for a Monday morning (And I estimate that I have got up and gone to work some 1,824 Monday mornings already so I am not without the experience to judge normality)
Went off to work, still chirpy, and then after a tense moment or two and some hesitation when the old bottom lip wobbled, I handed my notice in /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
What a Eureka moment. I quit. I am now 4 weeks off being unemployed - possibly even sooner if I get paid off.
So that's the last big hurdle cleared, because the house is sold...,
....the boat bought and equipped (well Ok nearly equipped)
....and now I join the great unwashed, that happy band of people with no visible means of support - and come to think of it no fixed abode!
I must say it feels much better to be poor than I thought it would!
So lets find out what it feels like to be a liveaboard. ... do you know I think I might just to take to it -- I fancy a cold beer already. /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Happy Daze! SWMBO and me have been planning this for the past 14 months. Just can't believe its really happening. 4 weeks from now we shall be wrestling with the heat of summer in the Med - not just for 2 weeks but all summer and the autunmn too - truly tough work but someone has to do it!
Well I have to go now and fight with the evening rush hour but only 19 more times after tonight! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I really wish I could bottle this moment
! I got out of bed with a spring in my step today- which is not all normal at all for a Monday morning (And I estimate that I have got up and gone to work some 1,824 Monday mornings already so I am not without the experience to judge normality)
Went off to work, still chirpy, and then after a tense moment or two and some hesitation when the old bottom lip wobbled, I handed my notice in /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
What a Eureka moment. I quit. I am now 4 weeks off being unemployed - possibly even sooner if I get paid off.
So that's the last big hurdle cleared, because the house is sold...,
....the boat bought and equipped (well Ok nearly equipped)
....and now I join the great unwashed, that happy band of people with no visible means of support - and come to think of it no fixed abode!
I must say it feels much better to be poor than I thought it would!
So lets find out what it feels like to be a liveaboard. ... do you know I think I might just to take to it -- I fancy a cold beer already. /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Happy Daze! SWMBO and me have been planning this for the past 14 months. Just can't believe its really happening. 4 weeks from now we shall be wrestling with the heat of summer in the Med - not just for 2 weeks but all summer and the autunmn too - truly tough work but someone has to do it!
Well I have to go now and fight with the evening rush hour but only 19 more times after tonight! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I really wish I could bottle this moment